The Shack by Wm. Paul Young

I just finished reading this book at the urging of my mother, and I am a bit speechless. First, it reminded me of another book I've read called Room of Marvels. Both books take the reader on an emotional, spiritual, and intellectual journey to understand the ways of God in the face of tragic life experiences.

Although it is fiction, the theological arguments made throughout by way of clever conversations and personal descriptions are very solid and refreshing. Young cuts through the presumptions of cultural/traditional/American Christianity to expose a view of God and faith, and especially suffering, in a way that is true and attractive.
Ultimately, I found this book to be a heart-warming, intellect-disarming, spiritually-powerful story. My emotional reaction to The Shack is an intensified desire to develop my relationship with God and live life more biblically. I highly recommend it.

For more information check out the website here.

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