Housing Crisis - Explained.....here's why.....

thought of the day

Socialist Revolution.....unarmed?

I keep thinking of the douchebag in the former post, and I realized one thing: Their goals can only be accomplished through force and coercion.  The man that communism and socialism was designed for....doesn't exist.  Humans have individual needs and wants.  And amidst the talk of equality - who is she or anyone else to say what we can or can't have?   Not only that - unless we are unarmed and have the means to protect ourselves....she can never achieve her goals.  Ever.  Because we have means to fight back....

Just a thought....or a few thoughts....so - here's some quotes on guns:

1. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.

2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.

3. Colt: The original point and click interface.

4. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.

5. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?

6. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.

7. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.

8. If you don't know your rights, you don't have any.

9. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.

10. The United States Constitution (c)1791. All Rights Reserved.

11. What part of 'shall not be infringed' do you not understand?

12. The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.

13. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.

14. Guns only have two enemies; rust and politicians.

15. Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.

16. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

17. 911: Government sponsored Dial-a-Prayer.
18. Assault is a behavior, not a device.

19. Criminals love gun control; it makes their jobs safer.

20. If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.

21. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them.

22. You have only the rights you are willing to fight for.

23. Enforce the gun control laws we ALREADY have; don't make more.

24. When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves.

25. The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.

One World Government - coming to a neighborhood near.....everywhere!

Just another idiot who needs to be duct taped, gagged and thrown in a ditch and covered - the sewage that comes out of her mouth would be very pleasing to the nationalist socialists or any marxist who started a revolution by killing millions in the name of peace....

What she doesn't realize - because she's too stupid obviously - clearly mentally unstable - is our system CAN provide anything - it's the corrupt unions and government agencies that keep us from being able to provide it all to everyone because they take it from people while claiming they need more and then blaming the capitalists for the problems they cause. Actually - duct taping her mouth would be a waste of tape....just bury her.

Bury her before her ideas grab hold and we can't manufacture the duct tape to tape her up with or the shovels to bury her with.....

Another great post from this vegan180 guy

This guy can write. I'm going to put him in my blog-roll. Oh, the post is about how you enable others to convince themselves that it might not be a bad idea to consider changing their eating habits. Told from the point of view of the "The willfully ignorant dude"--him, a while back.

One more thing

One thing Dr. Lisle talked about that I really liked was this idea that you shouldn't compare yourself to others, but just try to live up to your own potential. This is in any area of your life. Now this I understand and really like. I'm going to try this out at work.

more on the Douglas Lisle DVD

I was thinking more about the first talk on the Douglas Lisle DVD called "The Continuum of Evil." (see yesterday's post for a recap). So the first talk was about not trying to be perfect, but aiming for eating A+ foods most of the time and letting yourself have some A, B, and C foods here and there, and averaging an A overall. This is a lot like Dr. Fuhrman's 10% plan. Dr. Lisle emphasized that the most important thing is getting right back on track when you eat the C (sugar,oil), D (dairy), and F (meat) foods. He follows the McDougall program which is a little more relaxed about salt and sugar than Dr. Fuhrman's program. Having followed Dr. Fuhrman's program for a while, I do prefer going without salt and sugar because the salt makes my fingers swell up, and it's even worse after breaking my elbow; and your taste buds get much more sensitive without salt and sugar, and then fruit and vegetables taste really good.

But the problem is that makes me an extremist or darn close to a perfectionist. It means any food prepared by a restaurant or grocery store is off limits, unless it's just plain raw or steamed veggies special ordered. There's a good side to this: it's easy in some ways, because the boundaries are really simple--no to salt, sugar, oil, or processed food, yes to everything in the produce section and whole grains and nuts and seeds. It's easy to remember, and it really is possible to eat on the go even with these restrictions.

Dr. Lisle says we want to average an A. Well, then you have to keep track. Today the co-op had some samples of this treat that is peanut butter, sesame seeds, cashews, honey and salt. Well, I thought, I don't have to be perfect, and this has no added oils! (somehow my brain ignored the salt and honey). So I had two pieces. Is that okay? Well, it had more salt than I would like. My hand was already swollen and now it will get worse. I think it's easier for me to have boundaries, like no salt. Then I just say no to the samples.

I do understand how these boundaries can lead to the perfection problem. When you go off-plan, you can end up in a binge and a promise to come back to perfection some day. I guess you have to remind yourself it's always a choice: "Yes, I can eat those samples. But I don't want them right now because I prefer not to eat salt and sugar. I think I'll try to make something like this at home without the salt and with dates instead of honey." And when you go offplan, you just dust yourself off and jump right back on. because you want to.

Darn it all, I don't understand this any better than when I started. I think I'll just get back to living my life.


Yes - white men are under represented in society.  I don't know of a single scholarship I can get based on my race.

Any other race?  Go for it!   But, yes, there is a white-male-scholarship now!  And in Texas of all places: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1361139/Texas-group-launches-scholarship-white-men-ONLY--need-equal-shot.html

This is where I think the "minorities" got sold a boat load of crap.    Told they are "equal" and therefore need special treatment because they simply don't have what it takes to succeed and won't ever be successful without a crutch or special treatment.

I don't think all "minorities" buy into the race crap though.  In fact, most of my friends who are not white in this country realize just how much a load of crap the race movement is.  I don't know a single one of them who feels "inferior" to white people because of simply their color.  My friends who aren't white are very capable individuals and it's not because of or despite their skin color.  Actually - in one form or another I think they are all more successful than I am.

Family Secrets.....

Yet another late-night, gratuitous, unoriginal but funny-to-me autocorrect fail - nothing like discussing the large matters in life over text.

Douglas Lisle DVD

I just watched a very good DVD by Douglas Lisle. He wrote the Pleasure Trap. He applies psychology to eating healthy. The first lecture was about the continuum of evil. He's referring to good foods and bad foods here. Grading food, he gives meat an F, dairy a D, processed grains and sugar C, tofu, whole-wheat bread, veggie burgers a B, and whole unprocessed produce an A+. He then says, we're not perfect, but it's good to eat as many of the A foods as you can and only occasionally eating the B and C foods. He spent much of his career counseling on addiction. He says failure is fine, it's part of the process. Don't aim for perfection 100% of the time. If you aim for perfection and then you fail, that sets up weird behaviors, like going on a binge and promising you'll be perfect tomorrow or next week. You want to average a very good score (A on the grading scale) but know that it is a process getting there and that you will dip and know to get back on track when you do--that is the most important part, not aiming for perfection. I'm paraphrasing and surely not distilling this as accurately as he presented.

The second talk is on how personality characteristics determine how easy it is for someone to adopt this healthy eating plan. There are 5 personality characteristics: 1) openness to experience, 2) conscientiousness, 3) extraversion & introversion, 4) agreeableness, and 5) stability. The personality best suited to adopting this healthy eating is 1) not very open , 2) conscientious, 3) introverted, 4) not agreeable, and 5) stable. So for example, those of us who are open to trying new things, well, we might not be satisfied with brown rice and broccoli every day. Conscientiousness is of course helpful in sticking to the plan. Extraverts like to socialize and go out to eat, and it's hard to find healthy food in restaurants. Agreeable people I guess are more easily influenced by our friends and family members prodding us to eat their food and be like them. And stable people are less likely to want to celebrate by eating and drinking, or drown their sorrows by eating and drinking. We can't change these personality characteristics so we just have to be aware of what the vulnerabilities and strengths are when applied to the case of eating healthy.

In my case, I'm 1) open to new experiences, so that is a vulnerability. I am feeling this right now. It was a good thing when I started this because I was open to changing my eating habits and learning a whole new way of cooking. But now I'm ready for something new. So I have to figure out some other area of my life to try out new things in. 2) I'm pretty conscientious so that's an advantage. 3) I'm probably in the middle. I need to socialize and have friends, and I used to struggle with this, but I've modified my social life and don't center it around bars and restaurants. 4) I'm pretty agreeable and I guess that's a disadvantage. But I've learned to deal with that one too, it just took a little longer to stand up to people, in a polite way of course. 5) I think I'm pretty stable, though I do sometimes want to celebrate with food and drown my sorrows with food. I think my biggest vulnerability right now is #1: After embracing this whole-heartedly and learning everything I could, now I've gotten bored with it. I want to try something new.

A strange quirk as of late

I've been doing something very weird lately. I've been watching the Food Network. I think I will stop now as it's probably a dangerous thing to do, but it was kind of fascinating, and I think it says a lot about the culture we live in. I was expecting more cooking shows but it's mostly about restaurant food--at least when I've watched, which is around prime time. There are shows about "diners, dives, and drive-ins" (my favorite), and your favorite foods (at so-and-so restaurant), and how various convenience foods are made. And then of course, there are the chef competitions. In all of them, you get to see what goes into the meals, and that is shocking to someone who tries to avoid oil, salt and processed foods.

I'm not sure what my motivation is for watching these. When I used to eat like everyone else, I was always in search of a good diner, dive, or drive-in when I travelled and wasn't very good at finding them. So I guess that show is the answer to the dreams of my previous life. Part of me wishes I could go and try out those restaurants. Is it food porn? I vicariously enjoy the forbidden "fruit" (though it's anything but fruit in this case) by watching instead of eating? Is it grotesque fascination, like some people are drawn to horror movies? I was thinking, if I had 3 months to live, or if I wanted to commit suicide, should I travel to all these highlighted diners, dives, and drive-in and get the kind of foods I used to dream about? In reality I'd be trading my health for these meal pleasures and I'd need to add coffee to perk me up and alcohol to wind me down to keep me going through this. But that would be enjoyable too. Would I be happy? I don't know. Probably for a few months.

Today's meals

I ended up cooking more this weekend than I thought it would. It was fun. Today's breakfast was ice cream. Lunch was steamed greens, Mexican hummus, and steamed veggies for dipping in the hummus. That will be dinner too.

The dipping veggies are carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, orange bell pepper (raw). I overcooked the veggies in the pressure cooker. I always think I'm going to undercook it and I overcompensate and overcook it. One of these days I'll get it right. It was still good but they were too soggy to dip well.

easy greens

This was "clean out my fridge" day. I didn't measure anything because I was using up whatever I had, but I list suggested amounts in case you want some guidance.

a bunch of kale and any other greens you like to cook
1/2-1 onion, chopped
1/2-1 lb mushrooms, chopped (optional)
2-4 cloves garlic, chopped (to taste)
1/2-1 oz pecans or walnuts, chopped (optional)
1 Tbsp spicy pecan vinegar (or other flavored vinegar, or lime/lemon/orange juice)

Steam the greens, onion, garlic and mushroom for 10-20 minutes on stove, or 2-3 minutes in pressure cooker. Add the rest, toss and serve. Yummy.

Mexican hummus

I wanted some hummus but didn't have any of the usual ingredients except sesame seeds but I wasn't in the mood for those either, so I came up with this. I call it Mexican hummus because of the southwest flavors (cilantro, lime, cumin). It is very creamy and yummy. Note that my ingredients are just what I had on hand--you can do the same. The basic idea is to use a bean of some kind, spice--usually cumin (but in searching for the cumin I saw pumpkin pie spice and did wonder what that would be like), some kind of nuts or seeds, and citrus or vinegar flavoring.

1/2 lb beans, (I chose "Eye of the Goat" heirloom beans because they were in the cupboard, and they looked like they would be creamy)
4 cloves garlic, or to taste
1-2 oz walnuts and pignolias
juice of 1 lime and 1/2 small orange (I didn't have lemon)
some cilantro
1 tsp cumin

Soak the beans overnight, and cook for about 3 hours. Here are the beans I used:

I roasted my garlic so it wouldn't have as strong a bite.

I put it in this little 1/3 cup measuring cup with some bean juice (dark from the beans, not roasting), and put it in the oven at 350 for about 15 minutes.
Next, blend up the nuts, garlic, juice, cumin, and some bean liquid (1/2 cup?) and just some of the beans. First I want to get the nuts nice and pulverized. Then add the rest of the beans and as much bean liquid as you want for your desired consistency. Then add the cilantro and pulse. Then you can top with paprika. Here it is with an orange bell pepper slice dipped and ready for eating.

More Thoughts On Home Schooling & Socialization.....

In regards to the post from yesterday on when to rely on experts and when to trust our gut - I thought I'd comment on home-schooling this morning in regards to a thought I had while watching a family movie on TV that my daughter loves as I got ready for church. 

Our children are home-schooled by my wife.   I went to a public school.  My wife did half and half of public and home.  I think that rounds us out as a family in order to have a good discussion about it.

The number one concern people express to us is "what about socialization?" in terms of children being home schooled.

What about socialization?

I know I've commented on it before but I thought I'd ask....what socialization do we see in school that is so superior to children being raised in a healthy and loving family?

Where is it?

When I look at teens and children, where are the role models today?   Peers who look to media on sex and morals and who's parents aren't in their lives either?

What kind of a recipe for character development is that?

I drove by Tualatin High School yesterday - or the day before - scoping out the swimming pool for work activities.  I saw a sign hanging up in the main entrance above everything that said "EXCEED EXPECTATIONS!"

break room
I laughed.  Who takes those seriously?  Why should I? If I'm in school - why should I exceed someone else's expectations? Why?  How about "lower expectations" so it's easier to achieve them?

I just - I hate the slogans that are supposed to motivate you - but really just is a means to keep me from troubling someone else but really aren't about my life in any depth - the kind you see about teamwork in crappy breakrooms at crappy jobs everywhere.

At any rate, the family really is the best means of support - for contrast I've compared a break room with a family room in terms of support and wholesomeness - realizing that both of these are someone's idea of what we need for support and sustainence to help us become and do what we care capable of - I see the difference....and that's why I think home-schooling is better because the support and recognition are better.

family room

Thanks to my wife for pushing this with me and being able to show me this is better and she can do a better job!  Our kids deserve it.

How a Taser Feels....

This was an entertaining story found at random on the net on what it's like being tasered....

Last weekend I saw something at Larry's Pistol & Pawn Shop that sparked my interest. The occasion was our 15th anniversary and I was looking for a little something extra for my wife Julie. What I came across was a 100,000-volt, pocket/purse-sized taser. The effects of the taser were supposed to be short lived, with no long-term adverse affect on your assailant, allowing her adequate time to retreat to safety....??

WAY TOO COOL! Long story short, I bought the device and brought it home.

I loaded two triple-a batteries in the darn thing and pushed the button. Nothing! I was disappointed. I learned, however, that if I pushed the button AND pressed it against a metal surface at the same time; I'd get the blue arch of electricity darting back and forth between the prongs.??


Unfortunately, I have yet to explain to Julie what that burn spot is on the face of her microwave.??

Okay, so I was home alone with this new toy, thinking to myself that it couldn't be all that bad with only two triple-A batteries, right?! !??

There I sat in my recliner, my cat Gracie looking on intently (trusting little soul) while I was reading the directions and thinking that I really needed to try this thing out on a flesh & blood moving target.

I must admit I thought about zapping Gracie (for a fraction of a second) and thought better of it. She is such a sweet cat. But, if I was going to give this thing to my wife to protect herself against a mugger, I did want some assurance that it would work as advertised. Am I wrong???

So, there I sat in a pair of shorts and a tank top with my reading glasses perched delicately on the bridge of my nose, directions in one hand, and taser in another.

The directions said that a one-second burst would shock and disorient your assailant; a two-second burst was supposed to cause muscle spasms and a major loss of bodily control; a three-second burst would purportedly make your assailant flop on the ground like a fish out of water. Any burst longer than three seconds would be wasting the batteries.? ? All the while I'm looking at this little device measuring about 5" long, less than 3/4 inch in circumference; pretty cute really and (loaded with two itsy, bitsy triple-A batteries) thinking to myself, "no possible way!"??

What happened next is almost beyond description, but I'll do my best...? ? I'm sitting there alone, Gracie looking on with her head cocked to one side as to say, "don't do it master," reasoning that a one- second burst from such a tiny little ole thing couldn't hurt all that bad. I decided to give myself a one-second burst just for heck of it. I touched the prongs to my naked thigh, pushed the button,?and??


I'm pretty sure Jessie Ventura ran in through the side door, picked me up in the recliner , then body slammed us both on the carpet, over and over and over again.

I vaguely recall waking up on my side in the fetal position, with tears in my eyes, body soaking wet, both nipples on fire, testicles nowhere to be found, with my left arm tucked under my body in the oddest position, and tingling in my legs?

The cat was standing over me making meowing sounds I had never heard before, licking my face, undoubtedly thinking to herself, "Do it again, stupid, do it again!"??

Note: If you ever feel compelled to "mug" yourself with a taser, one note of caution: there is no such thing as a one-second burst when you zap yourself!

You will not let go of that thing until it is dislodged from your hand by a violent thrashing about on the floor.

A three-second burst would be considered conservative??

SON-OF-A-... That hurt like **% !!! A minute or so later (I can't be sure, as time was a relative thing at that point), I collected my wits (what little I had left), sat up and surveyed the landscape. My bent reading glasses were on the mantel of the fireplace. How did they get up there??? My triceps, right thigh and both nipples were still twitching. My face felt like it had been shot up with Novocain, and my bottom lip weighed 88 lbs. I'm still looking for my testicles! I'm offering a significant reward for their safe return!! Still in shock!!

P. S. My wife loved the gift, and now regularly threatens me with it!?

"If you think Education is difficult, try being stupid."

Text Message From Teacher....

Dear Students,
I know when you're texting.
Sincerely, no one just looks down at their crotch and smiles. 

HEAR NOW: The News! (Or - SEE NOW: Some Gifs!)

I really don't have a whole hell of a lot to say on our government, it's corrupt, local issues are so common sense as to be stupid....so I am still doing humor or just amusement a lot lately.  UNLESS....you count the wisdom and knowledge gained from watching the following as fitting some aspect of the mantra of Simplybecauseitis.  I dunno...I'll leave it up to you to decide.... 

I've felt this way before....

Texting with parents...

Some of this is racey - but then - you know being a parent - you get to that point where you're finally like "whatever" and just say "here ya go..."

Mile Long....UFO? Or a dirty lens?

date pecan butter

Today I decided to see if I could make a sweet nut butter. The answer is yes, but watch out--it tastes great and is really rich. It is not so easy to make though. I made it in a blender and you need to add a lot of nuts to make it work in the blender, 2 cups works.

2 cups nuts. I used raw pecans, which were really good!
dates to taste---maybe 2-4 medjool dates (remove pits)
soy milk or nut milk or water--maybe 1/2 cup? depends on the consistency you want.
1/2-1 tsp vanilla (optional).

Blend in a high-powered blender. Blend, mash (with plunger or spoon), blend, mash, blend, add more liquid if you need it. It takes a while to get it blended up. Here's what it looks like:

Housemate had it on bread, I had it with strawberries. It was very yummy. It is very rich and hard not to eat too much. Then housemate ran out of bread and I needed to make her smoothies, so I turned this into cream by adding more soymilk, water, and a few more dates. I had some on top of blackberries and used the rest in the smoothies.

Impeach Obama.......no really!

Obama campaigned for the Defense of Marriage act, swore an oath on the bible to uphold the laws of America and now is saying that he's not going to protect the defense of marriage act or try to defend against those who break the law because he doesn't like it - impeachable offense?  I certainly believe so!


when NOT to use an expert.....this is sweet!

next week

I forgot to say in my last post that I am planning to cook more on weekends even though I won't this weekend. I think I have gotten boring in my weekday eating, and that helped me to stray last week in my eating. I'm going to expand my weekly pot of beans to a pot of soup full of beans, veggies, and maybe some wild rice or barley. These are really good, especially with carrot juice as a broth. That will give me more cooked veggies during the week. Then I also hope to make something nice for a Sat. or Sun. dinner. It doesn't have to be complicated, just enjoyable to eat, which many of Dr. Fuhrman's recipes are!

Okay, time to get ready to head downtown. Have a nice day!

how to eat

Reading the Fuhrman forums this morning, I was reminded of this great post by Darryl. This pretty much says it all. No need to read anything else! I'm going to link to it on my recommended websites links at the right side of the page here. I looked over my links to see if they needed updating and so I visited fatfreevegan's blog. I discovered Susan's blog pretty early on when I became a vegan (5 years ago now!) and found her recipes creative and delicious. As I got more "strict" in my diet, I used her recipes less and less since many use refined grains, sugar, and salt. But I see from her recent posts that she is following Dr. Fuhrman's Eat to Live program now! That is cool. I hope to see some creative "nutritarian" recipes from her blog. I am a big fan of hers.

I don't expect to cook much this weekend. Today I have a date with a hundred thousand people downtown. One is a fellow nutritarian! hmmm, 2/100,000. That is probably about the typical percentage of us. We aren't quite one in a million but we are close. Someone calculated that the fraction of astronomers is one in a million so whenever you meet one, you should ask them lots of astronomy questions because you never know when you'll meet one again! And I am one, so ask away. As a public employee, I would be pleased to answer your questions. :)

The Siiiiimpsonnnnnsssss! (Live!)

A Rabbit is bounding through the woods.....Joke of the Day....

A little rabbit is happily running through the forest when he stumbles upon a giraffe rolling a joint. The rabbit looks at her and says,”Giraffe my friend, why do you do this? Come with me running through the forest, you’ll see, you’ll feel so much better!”
The giraffe looks at him, looks at the joint, tosses it and goes off running with the rabbit.

Then they come across an elephant doing coke, so the rabbit again says, “Elephant my friend, why do you do this? Think about your health! Come running with us through the pretty forest, you’ll see, you’ll feel so good!”
The elephant looks at them, looks at his razor, mirror and all, then tosses them and starts running with the rabbit and giraffe.

The three animals then come across a lion about to shoot up heroin…”Lion my friend, why do you do this? Think about your health! Come running with us through the sunny forest, you will feel so good!”
The lion looks at him, puts down his needle, and starts to beat the crap out of the little rabbit.

The giraffe and elephant watch in horror, and ask him “Lion, why did you do this? He was merely trying to help us all!”

The lion answers, “Every time he’s on Ecstasy that little sucker makes me run around the forest like an idiot for hours!”

Yer an idiot! Wait....let me rephrase that....

  •  I just like these - good refresher....
  • The wheel's spinning, but the hamster's dead.
  • A few clowns short of a circus.
  • A few fries short of a Happy Meal.
  • An experiment in Artificial Stupidity.
  • A few beers short of a six-pack.
  • Dumber than a box of hair.
  • A few peas short of a casserole.
  • Doesn't have all his cornflakes in one box.
  • One Fruit Loop shy of a full bowl.
  • One taco short of a combination plate.
  • A few feathers short of a whole duck.
  • All foam, no beer.
  • The cheese slid off his cracker.
  • Body by Fisher - brains by Mattel.
  • Has an IQ of 2, takes 3 to grunt.
  • Warning: Objects in mirror are dumber than they appear.
  • Couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel.
  • He fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down.
  • An intellect rivaled only by that of garden tools.
  • As smart as bait.
  • Chimney's clogged.
  • Doesn't have all his dogs on one leash.
  • Doesn't know much, but leads the league in nostril hair.
  • Elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor.
  • Forgot to pay his brain bill.
  • Her sewing machine's out of thread.
  • His antenna doesn't pick up all the channels.
  • His belt doesn't go through all the loops.
  • If he had another brain, it would be lonely.
  • Missing a few buttons on his remote control.
  • No grain in the silo.
  • Proof that evolution CAN go in reverse..
  • Played football without a helmet.
  • Receiver is off the hook.
  • Several nuts short of a full pouch.
  • Skylight leaks a little.
  • Slinky's kinked.
  • Surfing in Nebraska.
  • Too much yardage between the goal posts.
  • Strong, like Bear... Smart, like Tractor.

Tune of the Day: The Ghost Inside - Broken Bells

 Another tune I heard today but this time on the radio in my office late at night. Catchy funky tune. Something I might toke to....if I did drugs....maybe I'll start....because of this song. And then sue them for ruining my life. I live in Oregon - we got like the world's largest marijuana trade here!  In fact the largest marijuana bust in world history (at one point anyways) came from behind my girlfriend's house.....behind....my girlfriend's.....house......wait a minute.    

Anyways....I hear we have the best weed in the world.....hmmmm......brb gonna run to 7/11 to....buy some stuff....yeah....."stuff".....

Okay - I'm back....and got the munchies.....

She sold her love to a modern man
Cause solid currency's the hardest to love
All other modern hels you cover your eye
Don't let the lady finger blow in your hat

Feel like a daughter
She's like a star tonight
Without wanting
She gave up
The ghost inside

Just like a whiskey bottle drained on the floor
She got no future, just a love to endure
This gives some matter to shaking her hide
'Too late to leave him' are the songs in her car

Feel like a daughter
She's like a star tonight
Without wanting
She gave up
The ghost inside
They call it chivalry
Never pull a punch for free
You ever wonder what it had to move on
This phony article
That put you on the floor
A double standard
Here we look when we walk

Feel like a daughter
She's like a star tonight
Without wanting
She gave up
The ghost inside

Was it all for show?
To turn into all of them
Turning a page
Trust me darlin'
I'm carving 'em up through the dust in your town
Crawling over rubble just to sound me out
Tend to wonder why?

Polyphenols, Hormesis and Disease: Part II

In the last post, I explained that the body treats polyphenols as potentially harmful foreign chemicals, or "xenobiotics". How can we reconcile this with the growing evidence that at least a subset of polyphenols have health benefits?

Clues from Ionizing Radiation

One of the more curious things that has been reported in the scientific literature is that although high-dose ionizing radiation (such as X-rays) is clearly harmful, leading to cancer, premature aging and other problems, under some conditions low-dose ionizing radiation can actually decrease cancer risk and increase resistance to other stressors (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). It does so by triggering a protective cellular response, increasing cellular defenses out of proportion to the minor threat posed by the radiation itself. The ability of mild stressors to increase stress resistance is called "hormesis." Exercise is a common example. I've written about this phenomenon in the past (6).

The Case of Resveratrol

Resveratrol is perhaps the most widely known polyphenol, available in supplement stores nationwide. It's seen a lot of hype, being hailed as a "calorie restriction mimetic" and the reason for the "French paradox."* But there is quite a large body of evidence suggesting that resveratrol functions in the same manner as low-dose ionizing radiation and other bioactive polyphenols: by acting as a mild toxin that triggers a hormetic response (7). Just as in the case of radiation, high doses of resveratrol are harmful rather than helpful. This has obvious implications for the supplementation of resveratrol and other polyphenols. A recent review article on polyphenols stated that while dietary polyphenols may be protective, "high-dose fortified foods or dietary supplements are of unproven efficacy and possibly harmful" (8).

The Cellular Response to Oxidants

Although it may not be obvious, radiation and polyphenols activate a cellular response that is similar in many ways. Both activate the transcription factor Nrf2, which activates genes that are involved in detoxification of chemicals and antioxidant defense**(9, 10, 11, 12). This is thought to be due to the fact that polyphenols, just like radiation, may temporarily increase the level of oxidative stress inside cells. Here's a quote from the polyphenol review article quoted above (13):
We have found that [polyphenols] are potentially far more than 'just antioxidants', but that they are probably insignificant players as 'conventional' antioxidants. They appear, under most circumstances, to be just the opposite, i.e. prooxidants, that nevertheless appear to contribute strongly to protection from oxidative stress by inducing cellular endogenous enzymic protective mechanisms. They appear to be able to regulate not only antioxidant gene transcription but also numerous aspects of intracellular signaling cascades involved in the regulation of cell growth, inflammation and many other processes.
It's worth noting that this is essentially the opposite of what you'll hear on the evening news, that polyphenols are direct antioxidants. The scientific cutting edge has largely discarded that hypothesis, but the mainstream has not yet caught on.

Nrf2 is one of the main pathways by which polyphenols increase stress resistance and antioxidant defenses, including the key cellular antioxidant glutathione (14). Nrf2 activity is correlated with longevity across species (15). Inducing Nrf2 activity via polyphenols or by other means substantially reduces the risk of common lifestyle disorders in animal models, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer (16, 17, 18), although Nrf2 isn't necessarily the only mechanism. The human evidence is broadly consistent with the studies in animals, although not as well developed.

One of the most interesting effects of hormesis is that exposure to one stressor can increase resistance to other stressors. For example, long-term consumption of high-polyphenol chocolate increases sunburn resistance in humans, implying that it induces a hormetic response in skin (19). Polyphenol-rich foods such as green tea reduce sunburn and skin cancer development in animals (20, 21).

Chris Masterjohn first introduced me to Nrf2 and the idea that polyphenols act through hormesis. Chris studies the effects of green tea on health, which seem to be mediated by polyphenols.

A Second Mechanism

There is a place in the body where polyphenols are concentrated enough to be direct antioxidants: in the digestive tract after consuming polyphenol-rich foods. Digestion is a chemically harsh process that readily oxidizes ingested substances such as polyunsaturated fats (22). Oxidized fat is neither healthy when it's formed in the deep fryer, nor when it's formed in the digestive tract (23, 24). Eating polyphenol-rich foods effectively prevents these fats from being oxidized during digestion (25). One consequence of this appears to be better absorption and assimilation of the exceptionally fragile omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (26).

What does it all Mean?

I think that overall, the evidence suggests that polyphenol-rich foods are healthy in moderation, and eating them on a regular basis is generally a good idea. Certain other plant chemicals, such as suforaphane found in cruciferous vegetables, and allicin found in garlic, exhibit similar effects and may also act by hormesis (27). Some of the best-studied polyphenol-rich foods are tea (particularly green tea), blueberries, extra-virgin olive oil, red wine, citrus fruits, hibiscus tea, soy, dark chocolate, coffee, turmeric and other herbs and spices, and a number of traditional medicinal herbs. A good rule of thumb is to "eat the rainbow", choosing foods with a variety of colors.

Supplementing with polyphenols and other plant chemicals in amounts that would not be achievable by eating food is probably not a good idea.

* The "paradox" whereby the French eat a diet rich in saturated fat, yet have a low heart attack risk compared to other affluent Western nations.

** Genes containing an antioxidant response element (ARE) in the promoter region. ARE is also sometimes called the electrophile response element (EpRE).

WU WUUUUUUUU! Rep Wu to step down?

Not that I want the guy to have a mental breakdown - but - if we lose a democrat - that works for me - lousy way to go - but - something's up with this guy: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20110224/D9LIRASG0.html

Course - I knew something was up before he started to crack up....allegations of rape don't "just happen" and aren't a "misunderstanding."

Unhappy? Here's someone who wasn't to be where they were....

Whenever I’m disappointed with my spot in my life, I stop and think about little James Scott.
James was trying out for a part in a school play. His mother told me that he’d set his heart on being in it, though she feared he would not be chosen.
On the day the parts were awarded, I went with her to collect him after school. James rushed up to her, eyes shining with pride and excitement.
 “Guess what Mom,” he shouted, and then said those words that will remain a lesson to me: “I’ve been chosen to clap and cheer!”


It's late (early) - snowing outside - unusual for the Willamette Valley - and I'm tired - not sure if this is funny or not.  Maybe I'll delete it in the morning.  Either way - I chortled and guffawed at a young boy being so proud as to put this on a chalkboard.

A kindergarten class had a homework assignment to find out about something exciting and relate it to the class the next day.

When the time came to present what they'd found, the first little boy called upon walked up to the front of the class, and with a piece of chalk, made a small white dot on the blackboard, then sat back down.

Puzzled, the teacher asked him just what it was.

"It's a period," said the little boy.

"Well, I can see that," she said, "but what is so exciting about a period?"

"Darned if I know," said the little boy, "but this morning my sister was missing one, Daddy had a heart attack, Mommy fainted, and the man next door shot himself."

The Aviator.....

I'm up for a massive promotion at work - if I get it - I'm going to go get my sport pilot license.   I always loved aviation - there's something about living on the edge....I don't know if I posted this but it is an amazing movie for a pilot or a psychologist......and I like the HQ trailer:

Today on Jerry Springer...I mean...at Denny's.....

 I specifically don't go to seedy places like Denny's for this very reason - too many brawls....good place to pick up ho's though!

Would you have left a tip after this?   Who can sit next to this....my wife and kids would have been out of there!   One smack and we'd be done!  I pack a .45 just to ride the MAX in portland now and specifically sit where I can see everything for this reason.   Who puts up with this? I wouldn't ever sit through this.....I wouldn't want to get caught up in it nor have to kill someone for coming close to my kids.


Well - HOW DE DO!  Ain't this a sight to behold?   WOW!  I guess my side of the fence - the conservative side - is even more fed up than I thought it was!  OOOOOOWEEE!  Wow! 

I couldn't fit it all in the title up there though.  Actually a portion of Arizona's senate (The we-hate-illegals-and-are-inherently-racist-white-supremacist-republican-bastards-committee) passed a bill denying citizenship to the children of illegals which goes to the full Arizona senate - and the dems in Arizona's house don't have the numbers in either chamber to stop the bill.

Now, as my friend, Arlin,  who is an analyst - very analytical analyst - pointed out - the wording of the 14th amendment (which is only spelled with 1 "M" - check it! Don't put an extra "M" in there! Spell check will get you every time! It does me!  It SOUNDS like it needs two - but your lexical lyrical host has found it in fact only needs ONE "M".) actually appears to deny citizenship to illegals with its wording. 

I just so happen to have a copy of the 14th amendment text RIGHT HERE! Let me put it on my blog so you can see it: Ahem! Please stand back! (Unfold - crinkle - crumple)  This is the original so please be careful!  Please be careful!

protesters arguing over my blog...or the bill I wrote about in my blog...
Section. 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

I won't call Arlin's observations a technicality because I believe there is something to what he's saying.  His observation was as follows (Ahem).

Those born here illegally - have not subjected themselves to the jurisdiction of the U.S. They are living outside U.S. law.  Because they are here illegally and have chosen to skirt U.S. law for illegal gain, they have chosen to remain subject to their former domicile or country of citizenship.  Therefore, the children born to illegals are not here legally and their parents have forfeited their rights to citizenship being bestowed up on them.

In other words - if they don't obey the law - why should they benefit from the law?  But more than that - if you aren't following the law - how can you expect to benefit from the law?

Now this set up a fight in the supreme court as a ruling on the issue.  Arizona's thrown off the politically correct gloves with all this!   Which is fine - needs to be done!  We can't and won't survive as a country if we can't be honest with ourselves about ourselves about what we got going on and need to solve!  So - lets let the issue go to the supreme court and get some national attention and polarize the fray and bring out the contenders on both sides!  I only wish what's her butt - the chola racist wise ass latina fraud who got put on the supreme court last years and "cry me a river Kegan" who cant even remember to pull her keys out of her car when she gets out of it and leaves it running all night (CONTRIBUTING TO GLOBAL WARMING!) because "she's so busy doing other important things" - who also made it to the supreme court - weren't on it.

Idiocy like that gives me hope y'all though.  If those frauds can make it - I can definitely make it in this world. 

Late night captions (PG13)

NOW I understand classic art!  Sheesh!  Just needed a caption!  WOW! Who knew!

I just think a glue stick with your batteries?  To glue what???
He had it coming....he only had himself to blaaaaaame! 

And since that guy only had himself to blame, to drive home the point is Catherine Zeta Jones in a skimpy little outfit, on standby in my computer to do my bidding and my every whim whenever I want her to, ready to sing a song with some other scantily clad femme fatales about how some other guys met their demise worse than the guy above and could only blame themselves.....

Some Words to Live By.....

Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

Don't be irreplaceable; if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted.

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

Never test the depth of the water with both feet.

It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of car payments.

If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.

Some days you are the bug, some days you are the windshield.

Good judgment comes from bad experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.

Experience is the sinking feeling you have made this mistake before.

Never miss a good chance to shut up.

Oh GOOD! The Carter Administration Over Again!

I'm so glad that when world war three breaks out right in the middle of our oil supply over in the middle east we'll be paying $100/gallon here in the U.S. !!! http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/02/22/crisis-libya-raises-fears-skyrocketing-oil-prices-causing-pain-pump/ So worth it so the polar bears don't have to hop over a pipe in Alaska.......WHEW!!!!  Maybe more stimulus spending will solve that issue over there as well.....

Evolved Flying Urban Polar Bear
Actually - I think the polar bears can handle it.  They evolve - don't you know?  Darwinism - evolution? There's no God....all that jazz?  All this is a giant accidental fart in the solar system?   So I included photographic proof that Polar Bears can learn to fly......See?  It's okay! DRILL BABY DRILL!

Meeting the Challenges of Online Education

Juan Leon, PhD

Director of Online Learning

Students in our online programs ought to be unhappy—because students in new online programs usually are. And yet well into the first year of our programs we enjoy a 0% attrition rate. Our students ought to be unhappy because new online programs are inevitably hit by frustrating technical glitches. New programs try out course materials that sometimes are not as evolved as they will be after two or three terms, and the program’s students—along with their faculty—are dealing with the daunting task of becoming fluent with the mechanics of their online classrooms. To make things worse, both students and faculty in new programs are discovering that their courses are more work than either expected.

These challenges for new online programs can compound the student and faculty dissatisfaction that often undermines online education. Attrition rates are high in online programs, and in new programs higher still. Why, then, aren’t more of our students walking out the virtual door? I think our perfect retention rate is due to our student-centered approach and the school’s strong mission focus.

The student centeredness manifests itself in many ways: we help prospective students determine if online study is right for them with a quiz on the school’s website. We plan ahead to support remote learners throughout their entire student lifecycle—from applicant to alum. We have created a new position, the Online Student Administrative Liaison, to provide personal, professional support to each student throughout that lifecycle. In particular, it’s the pedagogy that centers on the students—they are coached to be active learners who deeply assimilate new knowledge through engaging, meaningful application of material. Finally, student centeredness is evident in the best practices we adopt for course design, drawing upon models developed by the Sloan Consortium, the Quality Matters initiative, and faculty development practices at SUNY, Penn State, and elsewhere.

These best practices are well known, and we aren’t the first to be student centered. I suggest that what makes us uniquely successful in retention at this early point in the life of the online programs is the School’s strong mission focus. Through its programs in Healthcare Quality and Safety, Health Policy, Chronic Care Management, and others, JSPH attracts and develops health industry professionals who are aligned with our progressive mission at profound levels. That alignment helps both students and faculty transcend the mechanics of the online medium. It’s important to recognize this as mission-driven programs such as ours grow: while mechanics related issues need attention day to day, it’s continuing to cultivate alignment around the shared mission that binds students and their programs together. How do we continue that cultivation through the online environment? That should become one of our central questions going forward.

late night.....barf brigade....sick myself from no sleep....(PG13)

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