nov. 16 food

Breakfast:  cherry-spinach smoothie

snack:  small apple, small banana, 0.5 oz walnuts

lunch:  carrots, 1 oz brazil and cashew nuts.  steamed beets and brussels sprouts.  small orange

Dinner:   ate some carrots and celery while cooking soup.   taste tested the soup.  then 1.5 bowls.  but given the taste-testing, I probably ate two bowls in total and was a bit too full.  I'm not concerned about my weight, just with healthy eating and I think I need to not get quite so full after eating.  The soup I made was another Fuhrman recipe, creamy lentil soup.  I'm having fun trying out a bunch of Fuhrman recipes.  People on the forums are sharing their favorite soups.  This one is very good.  very good.  It's got a ton of vegetables and carrot juice and some cashews (blended with some of the soup), and of course, lentils.  These soups are very rich so one bowl is definitely enough.  The idea is to eat a bowl of this every day and then eat a bunch of vegetables and greens and fruit and there's your healthy diet.  I froze half the soup.  I'm going to have to stop making soups and eat the frozen ones soon.

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