frozen sweet corn

Wow, is this ever good! This weekend, a friend of mine offered some of her frozen corn as a snack and it was good. Since we only have 1 week left of sweet corn at my local corn stand, I decided to freeze some of my own. I blanched the ears of corn (cooked in boiling water for a minute), then scraped off the kernels, and froze--super easy.

A knife would work, but I happen to have a corn scraper, shown at left in the picture (got it at Williams-Sonoma). At right is my bag of corn. This was about 6 cobs. It made about 2.5-3 lbs of corn. When you eat this straight from the bag out of the freezer, it is like candy! Wow. I hope the genetic engineering of this corn hasn't made it so sweet as to be unhealthy.

aug. 31

brekky: veggie juice. this time I tried the one with the cucumber in it (from Chef AJ). It was good but not quite as good as the other one. I also had a small pear.

lunch: a few carrots and celery, some of the weekend's beans, greens & veggie bowl, 2 corn on the cob + avocado butter. snacked on corn that I was prepping for freezing.

dinner: rest of the beans, greens & veggie bowl to which I added fresh-frozen corn. small musk melon, raw carrot, some sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. okay, I thought I was done with dinner at this point, but then someone I was corresponding to gave me the idea to have peas and corn, and I couldn't resist, so had a bowl of my fresh-frozen corn and frozen peas--heated in the microwave. It was yummy.

The Government Can

This is just for giggles. Anything to help in this age of people rage (as in "We the people").

Hoover Created the Depression

Here's an informative post from HA that gets into the details of the history. I found it helpful to understand. It is a bit sad considering I acquired a great deal of respect for the man and his thinking, which I wrote about earlier. But history is important and ideas have consequences.
"... As with other big government interventions, Hoover made the situation worse by attempting to control one part of the economic picture. When he froze wages, it amounted to across-the-board increases in buying power as deflation set in — and made their companies unable to pass along the costs of production to consumers. After two years, employment had dropped 35% and GDP by 27% as the American economy collapsed. Ohanian argues that two-thirds of that GDP decline can be directly attributable to this deal...."

aug 30

I was afraid to eat at first.

I brought one of my frozen veggie juices with me as I was gone from 8 am - 5 pm. I started drinking it at about 1 pm. finished it about 4 pm. It was the perfect thing. And it tasted really good too. Now I'm not sure which one it was, as I made two different kinds yesterday. I don't think it had the cucumber in it. So I think it was the lettuce, kale, collards, orange, and apple one. I was surprised at how good it was. I thought I was going to have to force down anything with juiced kale and collards. of course, the apple and orange juice helped.

When I got home I was hungry and ate a normal meal. That was 2 corn on the cob (only 8 days left of fresh corn), avocado butter, a small bowl of yesterday's veggies, beans & greens dish, and half an orange. It was all delicious, a further reminder that there is no reason to stray from this. I am not deprived of anything with this diet!

yesterday's splurge

Well, I did get sick from yesterday's splurge. ugh. I really thought I wasn't overdoing it. I had 4 treats, which is a lot, but I didn't eat a lot of other food. Well, it was awful, and I hope I never touch that stuff again. Today's church service was pretty relevant to this. The title was "Positive Thinking. How to be the person your dog thinks you are." I love that title. Here are two useful points I remember: There are no mistakes, only lessons. and A lesson is repeated until it is learned. I do not want to repeat this lesson. Also when I was in the midst of my sickness, I was thinking, I've poisoned my body. I don't want to do this to my body anymore. Yesterday I said I didn't really regret my splurge. But that was before I got sick. Okay, onwards. I am so grateful to have found this healthy way of eating, and I hope I have finally gotten beyond the social influences even if they are ubiquitous. Our service ended with a quote from Muhammad Ali: "I wish people would love everybody else the way they love me. It would be a better world." I love that quote too. It was a very fun day. and I'm moving on...

weekend cooking

I had fun in the kitchen this evening, spent about 3 hours picking greens, washing, chopping, juicing, and cooking. First I made some vegetable juices that I froze. I got these from the Fuhrman forums:

The first was from Chef AJ, modified slightly based on what I had and wanted: 4 oz kale, 4 oz collard greens, 2 cucumbers, 3 small apples, and juice of one lime and orange. Everything but the lime and orange came from my garden or a local farm.

Next was from another member of the forums (I don't recall but I'll try to look it up). This is called green lemonade, only I didn't have a lemon. So I used juice of an orange, 3 small apples, some salad greens (2-3 oz was all I had), some kale and collard greens.

Between these, I made 5 bottles filled to 10 oz with juice, that I froze.

Next I made a giant vegetables, beans, and greens dish. This dish was along the lines of this one. I must have had a couple of lbs of kale and collard greens still left after the juicing. I chopped these in the food processor. Then there was eggplant, 2 zucchini (green and yellow), mushroom, 2 onions, 2 cans of tomatoes (from the garden, yum). I cooked these up together in the pressure cooker for 3 minutes. I added lots of chopped parsley, basil and swiss chard and let that cook in the hot pan--plenty of heat to cook as it cooled. I cooked cauliflower separately for 2 minutes, and then blended that with 1/2 cup almonds and 1/3 cup hemp and some juice from the canned tomatoes. This made a creamy sauce which I added. Oh, yeah, and then there were the beans. Earlier today I cooked up red and white kidney beans (2 cups dry, so probably 5 cups after cooking). So this is your classic Fuhrman dish with tons of greens, beans, veggies, nuts and seeds. I offered housemate a bite even though she doesn't like zucchini. But you can hardly taste that with all the other flavors, and she had a couple of small bowls. Here's what it looks like. You do tend to get greens all over your teeth while eating it.

I poured 2 generous cups into each of 8 bowls. I left 2 out and froze the others. So there will be plenty to eat over the next week!

aug. 29

Well, I finally gave into my baked goods cravings. I'm not sure that I regret it because of the lessons learned. It wasn't so good and I don't feel so good either. I'm bound to learn my lesson sometime, if not this time. The last time I strayed from healthy foods was May 10, I think. So that's pretty good, 3.5 months. Hopefully I'll last longer next time. So I wanted a taste of the 4 things I usually give in to: a semi-healthy muffin and cookie (whole grains), a totally unhealthy chocolate cupcake and chocolate chip cookie. Here's my analysis:
healthy cookie: bland, stale
muffin: bland, but fresh
cupcake, cake part, bla, frosting, sickeningly sweet
chocolate chip cookie, overly greasy and kind of gross, and too sweet.

Here was a valuable lesson learned: I thought the desserts we had at the Health Getaway were better than these! So maybe next time I want to splurge, I should just plan to make a Fuhrman dessert to take to a potluck and have some for my own treat. Also, plain old fruit is better too.
Effect on my body: the sugar went straight to my brain. I was hyper most of the day after that. I see why kids get hyperactive. I still feel kind of yucky.

Anyway, besides that I ate 2 corns on the cob and sliced tomato at lunch. And I did a lot of cooking this evening. I snacked a bit while cooking, and sampled the final results, but didn't eat too much. I'm a little worried I'm going to get sick. I'm feeling bloated and gassy. My stomach is gurgling a lot. I haven't had any oil since the last time I splurged (May 10 I guess) so my stomach is probably going, what the heck is this stuff?

aug. 28

late brekky: veggie juice, ripe colorado peach (good).

lunch: 2 corn on the cob + avocado butter, cherry tomatoes from the garden (yum), some blueberries & bananas, some beans. oh, and then I had to have the watermelon. I overate but I can't resist delicious fruit.

dinner: I was a bit rushed and went for the fruit again. 1/2 musk melon. another peach. a delicious ripe local pear. more watermelon (local, too good to resist). a bowl of beans. and snacked on the goodies while preparing housemate's smoothies (bananas, spinach, nuts & seeds, frozen fruit). and a couple of carrots. overate to the point of feeling really bloated. I'm bad. the fresh local ripe fruit is just soooo gooood. I will have to just buy less.

good beans

These are beans a visitor would love, at least the one who at my house today. that's because they have carrot juice in them.

1-3 cups dried beans, soak over night.
1-2 onions
1-5 cups veggie juice, I used carrot, beets, and celery, but carrot is sufficient
water as needed
fresh or dried herbs (optional), e.g., cilantro, parsley, chives
juice of (small or 1/2 large) lemon or lime (0ptional)

Cook the beans, onions, and juice for a few hours. Add some dried herbs if you want. When the beans are done, if you have some fresh herbs, add them and some lemon/lime juice or flavored vinegar at the end, if you want. It's pretty easy except for the prep involved in juicing. actually the juicing is easy too, but cleaning my juicer is a bit of a pain but I'm having fun with it right now. My favorite variation of this is red kidney beans, carrot juice and onion. It's a great combination.

aug. 26 & 27

yesterday's and today's food was pretty similar. I'll just post today's.

brekky: veggie juice and 1 oz sunflower/pumpkin seeds. small apple. 1 cup beans. bigger than usual because I was out and knew lunch would be late.

lunch: 2 corn on the cobs + avocado butter, salad. smaller than usual because it was late and I had a massage in the afternoon.

dinner: 1 cup beans, salad, peach. some figs and grapes at a party. then I some carrots and pumpkin seeds and an apple when I got home. I wasn't hungry, was just being a pig. I often do this after social events. It's a psychological thing of feeling I deserve a splurge if everyone else did. It's dumb and I'll get over it.

I have a friend visiting and working with me for a year and he comes over for lunch a lot. He's loving the food I cook. He loved the beans! along with everything else. This healthy food really does appeal to most people. It tastes great. It's fun to influence people. Today my massage therapist told me she's mostly vegetarian now, after reading Fuhrman's books! and a friend at church with some autoimmune issues is very enthusiast about it too! cool.

10 Theses on the Kingdom of God and Social Action

BTW has this great post, which I am posting here in total:

Matt Harmon offers ten theses (part 1, part 2) on the kingdom of God and social justice, and explains what he means by each. Go to the posts to see each thesis briefly unpacked. Here are the theses:
  1. We must learn from church history.
  2. We must allow biblical and theological convictions to shape our engagement in social action.
  3. We must not collapse the already/not-yet tension.
  4. We must recognize that evangelical engagement with these issues will take different forms within different political, cultural and social contexts.
  5. We must prioritize proclamation of the gospel without neglecting social action
  6. We must realize that our actions are not self-interpreting.
  7. We must recognize the trend towards increasing social action and decreasing evangelism within the church.
  8. We must think through and articulate the connection between specific social action and the gospel.
  9. We must not allow people's physical needs to blind us or them to their even greater spiritual needs.
  10. We must recognize the challenges that come with working with others of different beliefs.

William Wilberforce 250 years

Today is his birthday. I actually own the movie Amazing Grace, which tells his story, and happened to put it in after work the other night. It moved me once again to consider the passion and the perseverance that he had to make the world a better place. He is truly unique in human history as one of the lines near the end of the movie explains: When men think of great men, they usually think of warriors like Napolean or Alexander the Great. Very rarely do they think of men of peace. Wilberforce was a man who dedicated his life to bringing peace and freedom to the known world. Here is the trailer to the movie. If you've never seen it, I highly recommend it.

aug. 25 food

brekky after exercise class (9:30 am): 1 oz sunflower seeds, 9 oz veggie juice (frozen in separate servings and then thawed overnight) I liked this! I felt satisfied but not full. my breakfast is close enough to lunch that I don't want to eat too much.

lunch: 2 corn on the cob with avocado butter, easy lazy salad (greens, tomato, zucchini, orange vinegar), 2/3 cup easy lentils. and a couple of small carrots to start off. This time of year, it's so easy to make salad, because all the ingredients are local and so good, you don't need to bother with dressing--vinegar is good enough! especially the tomatoes. yummmmmm. I wasn't overfull.

dinner: repeat of lunch. I made lunch for my visitor but he wasn't hungry so I just ate his lunch for dinner. yum! those tomatoes.... oh, and I finished that off with a peach. oh, and a couple of carrots to start. I might have been a tad overfull from all of this. I normally wouldn't have had the corn at dinner.

collard veggie juice

My first attempt at a veggie juice worked pretty well. I had no idea how much of everything to add but it seemed pretty good. Here's approximately what I combined (based on a faulty memory):

about 12 collard leaves
4 lbs carrots
8 small beets
2 small apples
a bunch of parsley

It made about 50 oz of juice. I poured it into 5 bottles, each filled to about 8-10 oz. There was about 5 oz left which I drank. I froze the bottles for drinking throughout the week.

super easy lentil soup

2-3 cups lentils (any kind, or mix them up)
1 onion
1-2 cups carrot and/or beet juice
several cups water
some cilantro, chopped (optional)
1-2 Tbsp flavored vinegar (optional, today I tried riesling raisin)

rinse the lentils. add everything together, cook it all up for an hour or so. at the end, turn off the heat, add the cilantro and vinegar if desired.

aug. 24

brekky: 1/2 musk melon + 1 oz brazil nuts. I ate this at the co-op with some friends after yoga. They ate "nothing muffins." I was tempted but I did prefer my breakfast.

lunch: 3 ears of corn, avocado butter and a small lazy salad: salad greens, chopped tomato (fresh from the garden),1/2 chopped yellow zucchini, and 1 Tbsp blood-orange vinegar---easy and good. Everything except the avocado and vinegar were local and fresh. so it was yummy. the 3 ears of corn was too much though. I should have just had 2. I got three because corn season is going to end in 2 weeks, and I haven't had it in 5 days. but still, 3 ears was too much.

Dinner: made some lentil soup to last a few days. this was super easy: lentils, an onion, some carrot and beet juice, and water. oh, and I added cilantro and vinegar at the end. It was good. I also made vegetable juice to last several days. It had: carrots, beets, collard greens (a lot), a bunch of parsley, and 2 small apples. Needless to say, I used some of the carrot/beet juice in the soup, and some in the juice. I froze the juice into 5 bottles, each with 8-10 oz in it. I'm planning to have it for breakfast, along with 2 Tbsp sunflower seeds after exercising. I nibbled while juicing and nibbled on the soup and then ate a big bowl of the soup. I got quite full.

three topics: allergies, temptations, juicing

Today was a high-allergy day where I live, from pollen of some sort--I don't pay much attention anymore but I still get an email telling me if it's a medium or high-allergy day. Several people in my yoga class were sniffling and sneezing. People usually say to me this eating style is too radical for them. My favorite saying lately is, it's a radical diet that produces radical results. I no longer suffer from allergies and I love it. I enjoy what I eat. I no longer care if it's completely different from what everyone else eats and if I'm a big pain for not joining in.

I still have my temptations. I had breakfast at the co-op with some friends and they got my favorite muffins. I was tempted by them and the freshly baked cowgirl cookies. I know I won't enjoy how I feel after eating them so that seems to be enough to keep me from eating them. But I wonder how long the temptations will last. It's still seems to be about nostalgia. I actually don't really enjoy them as much as my own food now, but I used to. Oh well, I think it will wear off. I still enjoy the smell of meat sometimes and I'm not tempted by it. Maybe the same thing will happen with baked goods. It's all about forming new habits. The longer I resist, the easier it will get.

Dr. Fuhrman recommends for optimal health juicing a few times a week and/or eating vegetable smoothies (leafy green vegetables mixed with fruit) a few times a week. So I decided to give juicing a try. I've resisted until now because it seems wasteful to only eat the juice and not the whole vegetable. But I'm not in the mood for collard green smoothies right now so I thought I'd try collard green juice (plus other stuff to make it palatable). And I was thinking I wanted a nutritious but small breakfast after exercising in the morning--small because my breakfast is only 1-3 hours before lunch. So I juiced today and froze a bunch of 8 oz servings. I'll try it out tomorrow.

Dr. Stephan

After a very challenging summer, I've finally turned in my written thesis, so it's official: I have my Ph.D. I'm publishing the abstract below. These findings should all be published in peer-reviewed journals in the next 6 months.

Ataxin-7 Conserved Motifs Determine the Severity of the Neurodegenerative Disorder Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 7 in Transgenic Mice and Influence Lifespan in Yeast

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 (SCA7) is an autosomal dominant, progressive neurodegenerative disorder whose characteristic features are cerebellar ataxia, dysarthria, and retinal cone-rod dystrophy culminating in blindness. SCA7 is caused by an abnormally long glutamine-coding CAG repeat in the SCA7 gene, which encodes the protein Ataxin-7.

Ataxin-7 contains several conserved motifs that may influence the toxicity of the glutamine tract. Among these are three conserved regions (conserved block I – III), two caspase-7 cleavage sites, a nuclear export signal and two monopartite nuclear localization signals (NLS). Previous investigations have shown that the caspase-7 cleavage site D266 is required for the full toxicity of the Ataxin-7 protein in cell culture. We generated SCA7 transgenic mice expressing a 92 CAG version of the human SCA7 cDNA, with and without a D266N mutation. Mice carrying the D266N mutation were protected from SCA7-like neurodegeneration, behavioral signs and shortened lifespan.

To further characterize the role of conserved motifs in SCA7 pathology, we generated SCA7 transgenic mice carrying point mutations in both C-terminal NLSs (KKRK -> KAAK). Previous work has shown that nuclear localization is an important step in the pathology of CAG repeat disorders. We observed that mice lacking C-terminal NLS activity were substantially protected from degeneration of the retina and cerebellum, SCA7-like behavioral signs and shortened lifespan.

Age is the primary risk factor for neurodegenerative disease. Even in the absence of overt disease, the aging brain shows histopathological and molecular changes reminiscent of neurodegeneration. To explore the link between neurodegenerative disease and aging, we have examined the replicative lifespan of Saccharomyces cerevisiae missing the SCA7 ortholog, SGF73. This strain exhibits an unusually long lifespan, which is dependent on the function of the NAD+-dependent deacetylase SIR2. We present evidence that the extended lifespan of the SGF73 null strain is due to the influence of Sgf73 on the activity of Sir2 and the histone deubiquitinase Ubp8. Furthermore, we show that the level of ubiquitinated H2B is elevated in an SCA7 transgenic mouse line, indicating that an alteration in Ubp8 activity may play a role in SCA7 pathology and that aging and neurodegeneration may share a common mechanism.

aug. 23

Today's food was a repeat of  yesterday.  I had an extra apple so threw that in my lunch salad.  So that was lettuce, fresh garden tomato, and apple--weird but good.  If I'd had some raw walnuts, that would have been good to add, but my veggie pot had plenty of seeds and walnuts.  I didn't get tired of the veggie pot, twice a day for 5 days.  It was good, I was hungry, and compared to hotdogs and burgers, it was much preferable.  A friend got me into the clubhouse for a bit this afternoon and I ate some fruit salad.   It was good.   I just got home.  I'm looking forward to shopping at my wonderful co-op tomorrow.  Good night!

The Power of the Cross

Here's a beautiful new "hymn" that was sung at church last Sunday. This is the original artist singing it.

aug. 22

still at the golf tournament.

brekky at the hotel:  1/2 box strawberries, 1/2 box blackberries, 1/2 box blueberries.  1/2 small watermelon.  some salad greens.  the produce was pretty good but not nearly as good as my co-op.  I am so lucky to have a great co-op located only a nice 4 mile bike ride from my home.  I look forward to returning home and shopping there!

lunch:  salad greens + fresh garden tomato + green bell pepper (made at hotel, put in cooler with everything else, left in car, visited car to eat lunch and dinner, and to rest).  veggie pot.

snack (shouldn't have snacked!):  banana

dinner:  veggie pot, orange.

tomorrow' meals will be a repeat.   then I'll  be home late.


aug 21

brekky:  after grocery shopping, I had some strawberries, and  a salad with fresh garden tomatoes.  As described in my previous post, I struck out on the produce today.  Oh well, you win some and lose some.  I also ate part of a peach and then decided it wasn't very good.  The salad was decent after I rinsed it--the romaine pieces were getting old so rinsing got rid of some of the old taste.  The tomatoes made the salad taste great.  nothing like fresh garden tomatoes.  oh, and half of a garden bell pepper.   I'm so glad I brought the garden veggies!   

lunch:   veggie pot, old orange.  

snack at the golf course: banana I bought.  it was good.  I didn't need it, but I think I just wanted to make up for the orange.  

dinner at the car after the tournament:  veggie pot, old apple.  then I went grocery shopping to get new produce!

I'm really glad to have the veggie pot.  It's got lots of beets and beans and nuts and seeds so is filling, which I need.   

travel lesson

One thing I learned today is that if you are at a mediocre grocery store, you're probably better off buying conventional produce than organic.  I thought I was at a decent grocery store this morning, but the organic produce was awful.  I wasted my money and should have just gotten the conventional.  I assume they sell more conventional and so it's likely more fresh.  The organic apple, orange, and strawberries I got were not good, and I could tell in the store they looked old and sad.  Even the peaches, which were supposedly local, and conventional, were awful.  The salad was also too old.  This evening I found a Trader Joe's, which turned out to be right on the way home, and got some new produce.  I'll know tomorrow if it's decent.

The History of the Plantation Party

I have wanted to see something like this in writing for some time. I hear pundits explain some of this or toss it out in generalities, but this article from is a good review of the Democrats (or "Plantation Party") role in race discrimination and violence. In part:
In fact, as the historian David Southern has documented, the worst evils of the South's Jim Crow regime, including segregation, disfranchisement, mob violence, and lynching, all "went hand-in-hand with the most advanced forms of southern progressivism." Remember that progressives wanted an interventionist government with sweeping powers to regulate all walks of life, an approach that fit nicely with Jim Crow's bullying assault on economic liberty and freedom of association....

Have some ugly views cropped up at the recent health care protests? Sure. But to take that as evidence of a century-long battle between enlightened liberal reformers and knuckle-dragging laissez-faire racist goons is to believe in a self-serving fairy tale. It's time for any pundit who thinks that way to grow up.

GreenPeace tells the Truth about Lying

Here's an article from HA that includes video from a BBC interview where Green Peace admits to "emotionalizing" their press releases in order to "bring people around to their way of thinking" even though there is no proof of what they claim. I thought this was supposed to be about science!

aug 20 food

I'm still out of town for the next few days.  We're at the LPGA Solheim competition between US and Europe (women's golf).  It's pretty fun.  Today for brekky I had my other smoothie.  It was raining this morning so we had an early lunch at the hotel before leaving for the golf course.   I had the veggie pot, carrots and a tomato.   Companions had their leftover pizza and crackers and cookies.   Then I knew it'd be a late evening so I brought my dinner in a small ice chest.  I didn't need to keep it that cool with ice or anything, since the veggie pot is still partially frozen.   The opening ceremony was from 5-7 pm, so I had a snack beforehand:  carrots and a can of tomatoes (we aren't allowed to take food into the course but it was a short walk to the car and I needed a break anyway).  why a can of tomatoes?  because housemate was canning tomatoes a few days ago, and this one didn't seal so it had to be eaten.  Well, it was really good!   Sometimes the simple things are really good.   Then after the opening ceremony, I had my veggie pot while waiting for the parking lot to clear out a bit.  Companions were still hanging around looking for celebrities to talk to.  The women golfers tend to be pretty accessible and friendly.   I'm not tired of the veggie pot yet.  It's very good and way better than anything I could get at the golf course.  Companions had cheeseburgers on the golf course.  I finished off my fruit and the carrots, so will go grocery shopping tomorrow morning for some fruit and salad greens. 

FiveFingers in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness

I recently bought a pair of Vibram FiveFingers Sprint (pictured). They're minimal, lightweight shoes with "toes". They're designed to mimic barefoot walking as closely as possible, while protecting the feet from punctures and abrasion. The soles are thin, flexible and offer no padding whatsoever.

I've always been a barefoot walker, because our feet evolved to be nude (or close to it). Besides feeling amazing, walking barefoot allows the body to express proper biomechanics. My feet have become tougher over time, but I still can't handle a rough trail barefoot.

When I first put the FiveFingers on, my initial thought was "these don't feel as much like being barefoot as I wish they did". Simply having something between your skin and the ground makes your feet much less sensitive. But I got used to them quickly, eventually using them for my parkour training.

I had a few converstions with my parkour instructor Rafe Kelley, during which I realized I had to re-teach myself how to walk and run correctly. Rafe is well-versed in natural human movement due to his background in MovNat, gymnastics, martial arts, strength training, parkour and anthropology. Modern shoes allow us to walk and run in a way that our bodies did not evolve to tolerate. The padding in shoes allows us to take large steps, in which we overshoot our center of gravity and contact the ground in a jarring manner. It also allows us to strike with our heels when we run, which is not comfortable when you're barefoot.

I took the FiveFingers on a 13-mile hike in the Alpine Lakes wilderness with a few friends last weekend. The Pacific Northwest has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. I was expecting to use the shoes for a few miles and then swap them for my lightweight hiking shoes (Inov8 Flyroc trail runners). The beginning of the trail was really rocky and I thought I was going to have to take them off in the first few hundred yards. Surprisingly, my feet adapted, and although the trail stayed rocky, it became fairly comfortable by the time we had walked a mile.

I found myself thinking about Rafe's advice, and taking smaller steps that strike closer to my center of gravity. Although my strides were shorter, I had no trouble keeping up, and in fact going up the hills was remarkably easy. We gained 3,000 feet of elevation but I never got winded. I had to pay close attention to foot placement, which kept me from looking around much but was actually kind of fun.

After a few miles, I switched to my hiking shoes, with the idea that I should switch before my feet really started to hurt, rather than after. I immediately noticed that going up hills was harder, especially on my calves. My feet felt more cumbersome as well.

Here's me foraging for mushrooms on the trail. This is Laetiporus sulphureus, also known as "chicken of the woods". It's widely eaten in this area. However, my mushroom guide All That the Rain Primises, and More, had this to say about it:

"If you eat and enjoy this moushroom, always cook it thoroughly and do not serve it to lawyers, landlords, employers, policemen, pit bull owners, or others whose good will you cherish!"

I didn't take my chances. If you're going to pick wild mushrooms, make sure you know what you're doing and carry a regional identification guide. "I recognize them from China/Russia/Europe" kills several people a year in the Pacific Northwest. If you're experienced, this area is a mushroom bonanza. I can't set foot outside without stepping on a king bolete (porcini, cep) in the fall.

I ended up switching back to the FiveFingers for the majority of the hike, about 9 miles of it. The soles of my feet were a bit sore by the end (due to stepping on sharp rocks for miles), but my joints and muscles felt remarkably good! I had no joint pain or muscle tightness. I also felt pretty energetic. This was a big surprise, since I haven't done much hiking this year. The next day, my calves were sore, but that was it.

All in all, I really like the FiveFingers. I can wear them in places that require shoes, yet remain nearly barefoot. One potential drawback is the price-to-durability ratio. They cost me $80 and I don't expect them to last a year. That being said, I'm putting a brutal beating on them. Parkour training destroys shoes. The rubber seems to be excellent quality (which you'd expect from Vibram), but it's thin and it has cuts in it for flexibility and grip, which will lower its lifespan. The upper is simply a piece of stretchy fabric that tears easily. I'm willing to deal with the durability issues because the advantages outweigh them [update- several FiveFingers wearers have commented that they actually last a surprisingly long time. See comments].

my new favorite smoothie

I've been eating this smoothie for a few months now so it must be my favorite.

Ingredients for two 16-20 oz servings:
2-4 Tbsp seeds (hemp, flax, pumpkin, sunflower) or nuts (walnuts, cashews)
Add in your supplements if you want (1 ml DHA,4 gentle care vitamins, 6 Osteo-Sun (for 2 servings)
8 oz fresh squeezed orange juice and/or pomegranate juice
1/2-1 cup grapes (optional)
2 dates (optional)
4 oz fresh spinach or baby romaine salad greens, or chard (spinach is least bitter)
1 bag (8-10 oz) frozen berries/fruit (pomegranate kernels, strawberry, raspberry, cherries, mango...)
Another bag frozen berries/fruit or a banana
1 tsp blueberry vinegar (optional, if using salad greens which can be bitter)

Pour the frozen berries in a big bowl, microwave for 30-60 seconds (optional). Put the seeds, nuts, supplements, dates and some liquid (juice/water, say 8 oz) in the blender. Add the greens on top. Blend. After the seeds and supplements get blended, start smashing down the greens to blend that in too. Add in the fruit and liquids and blend. Add in liquid to reach desired consistency. You can also add 1 tsp blueberry vinegar, especially if using salad greens which are more bitter than spinach.

Some of my favorite combinations are blueberries and another berry; pineapple and mango (my all-time favorite); and banana & blueberries or banana & strawberries or banana and cherry (really sweet, like dessert).

aug. 19

I'm on travel for the next 4 days, left yesterday, just didn't have time to post about it.  I have this electric cooler, shown here in the picture.  It is an ice chest that you can plug in to an electrical outlet in your car or hotel room, and it will cool or heat what's inside.  This was filled with 10 containers of frozen veggie-pot that I made on the weekend, and 2 smoothies that I made on Monday and didn't eat before leaving town.  Today, I ate one of the smoothies and two of the containers, so this is what's left:

Last time I did something like this, the containers stayed frozen for several days, so I think there won't be a problem with them getting old.  Even if they thaw by the last day or two, they are still kept at a cool temperature.  There is a concern that I will get tired of these meals, but today I enjoyed them.  The smoothie was wonderful, and the veggie pot was great too.  I also had brought what was left from the fridge at home:  some carrots, and tomatoes and bell peppers from the garden.  So I also had some carrots, tomatoes and a bell pepper today.  Once I finish off the smoothie and more of the carrots and tomatoes, I'll go to the grocery store and get some fruit and salad greens.  But no need right now.  This is an easy way to get my meals while I'm in a hotel.  It helps that I travelled by car so I could bring the cooler and frozen food.  I also made sure to get a hotel with a fridge and microwave.   My travel companions had the free hotel breakfast (cereal and egg sandwich), hotdogs for lunch, and dinner will be leftover pizza, crackers and cookies.   To each his own!

aug. 17 & 18

Not much time to post lately.  let me try to remember.

yesterday's brekky:  it was late after my yoga class and grocery shopping: I had 1/2 pint blueberries and some pistachio nuts.   Then I started preparing lunch.   That was 2 ears of corn and avocado spread, hummus and steamed veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots).   I made the hummus just like I do the black bean hummus, only with chickpeas, and it doesn't taste as good to me.  The black bean hummus tastes really good.  The chickpea is a wee bit on the bland side.  Interesting.  Oh I also made salsa from 2 freshly canned tomatoes that didn't seal, cilantro and small amount of onion.  It's yummy.  We had celery and green pepper to dip in it.  I got tortilla chips for housemate and collaborator to eat.

Dinner was a quick snack while working with my collaborator:   1/2 small fantastic musk melon, a giant ripe Colorado peach,  rest of the blueberries, leftover veggies and hummus.  I got really bloated from the hummus.  I must have eaten a lot more than I thought while preparing.  Perhaps I should stop eating so much while preparing meals...

Today's brekky:  the other half of the fantastic musk melon, 2 more peaches (oops),  too many pistachio nuts.  oops.  

Lunch:  Same as yesterday's lunch only I ate about 4 ears of corn.  We had guests over and too much corn and we were leaving town and they had to be eaten (I know, lousy excuse).    

Dinner:  rest of the hummus and veggies, and veggies and salsa.  orange, apple.  

I overate at every single meal today.  Well, I didn't eat too much at dinner but since I wasn't hungry, I still overate.  

aug 16

it was a busy but fun day. this will probably be a quick post so I can go to bed.

brekky: wasn't hungry after eating too much last night! Just had some sips from housemate's delicious smoothie. I should post this recipe.

first lunch: grabbed some grapes and brazil nuts from the co-op on the way to a parade. yum.

second lunch: after grocery shopping, piece of watermelon from the co-op. yum.

before dinner snack: sipped on smoothies I was making for housemate and myself.  These are the best smoothies I have ever made! the secret is fresh squeezed orange juice. I updated the recipe. I probably ate at least 8 oz from all the smoothies I made (5 servings total, which I froze).

dinner: 3 ears of corn + avocado butter, lazy salad without the edamame. some frozen peas, a couple of raw carrots. I was full because of the snacking on smoothies.


aug 15 food

brekky: collard green smoothie. I am fickle. A few days ago I said I love these, now I don't. Now I think those delicious frozen blueberries and pomegranates are being wasted on collard greens. so I think I'd rather eat the delicious blueberries and pomegranates alone and find some other way to get the collard greens. It's funny, the more I experiment, the more I find that Dr. Fuhrman's advice is the best. He recommends juicing vegetables a few times a week. I'm thinking, yeah, maybe that's a good way to eat some of my collards and kale, with some carrots to make it palatable (or maybe an apple?). , I made a single-serving collard green smoothie after splattering the first batch all over the kitchen. And then I still wanted to eat something delicious so I made a blueberry-pomegranate sorbet with the leftovers from the smoothie.

lunch: peach, 3 ears of corn and avocado butter, lazy salad. some carrots.

dinner: last serving of last week's pot 'o veggies. This was a mistake because I also cooked next week's pot 'o veggies, and I tend to snack while I cook, because I like to taste it as I go, and I enjoy that. So I ended up eating too much. I shouldn't have had dinner first and all would have been well. I'll try to remember that next time. Anyway, I served up the giant pot 'o veggies into 10 small plastic bowls and put them in the freezer. I'm going out of town next week and will bring them with me to have for lunch and dinner. Kind of repititious but easy. I suspect I'll be tired of this entree by the end of the week. But I'll also have salads and fruit to vary. I edited my recipe for the pot 'o veggies because I improved it. But I know how to improve it even better next time. Once again, I end up going back to Dr. Fuhrman's advice: he likes to juice his carrots and beets in his soup. Too much makes it too sweet but I think juicing some would improve the flavor. next time. Here are the garden greens that went into it:

a sinkful of kale:

about 4 chard leaves and about 10 collard leaves (these are 8-12 inches long):

some herbs: in the end I just used the parsley and dill. The tomatoes didn't go in this recipe. They will be canned tomorrow. yippee!

I cooked a huge batch of beans for the veggie pot, 3 cups dry of various ones left in my jars (small red, adzuki, and pinto), so I should have at least 1 cup a day from the 2 meals on my trip. I also included local broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, eggplant, carrots and beets. yum!

Ischemic Heart Attacks: Disease of Civilization

Or, more precisely, disease of industrial civilization.

The scientific literature contains examples of cultures that don't suffer from the chronic non-communicable diseases that are so common in modern societies. Much of what I've read indicates that heart attacks are practically unique to cultures that have adopted industrial foodways and a modern lifestyle, being infrequent or entirely absent in those that have not.

I recently came across an incredible paper from 1964 in the American Journal of Cardiology, titled "Geographic Pathology of Myocardial Infarction", by lead author Dr. Kyu Taik Lee (Am. J. Cardiol. 13:30. 1964). This was published during a period of intense research into the cardiovascular health of non-industrial cultures, including Dr. George V. Mann's famous
study of the Masai.

The first thing Lee and his colleagues did was collect autopsy statistics from San Francisco and Los Angeles hospitals. They analyzed the data by race, including categories for Caucasian-Americans (white), Japanese-Americans, Chinese-Americans, and Filipino-Americans. All races had a similar incidence of autopsy-proven myocardial infarction (MI = heart attack), including both silent (healed) and fatal MI. For comparison, they included a table with autopsy data from hospitals in Tokyo, South Japan and North Japan. I'm including the data from Tokyo in the graph because it's also an urban environment, but the finding was the same in all three regions. Here's what they found, by age group:
The Japanese had a very low rate of MI compared to both Caucasian-Americans and Japanese-Americans. The rate of MI in Caucasian-Americans and Japanese-Americans did not differ significantly. Thus, location but not race determined the susceptibility to MI.

Next, the investigators collected autopsy data from hospitals in New Orleans, again divided by race. This time they exained Caucasian-Americans and African-Americans. Both groups had a very high rate of MI, as expected, although the African-Americans had a lower rate than Caucasian-Americans. They also collected data from autopsies in Nigeria and Uganda for comparison. Here are the data for men:
And for women: Again, location but not race largely determined the incidence of MI. MI was extremely rare in the African autopsies. Here's what they had to say:
There was only 1 case of healed myocardial infarction among over 4,000 adult autopsies in the Uganda series, and only 2 cases of healed myocardial infarction among over 500 adult autopsies in the Nigerian series. In the New Orleans Negro series the occurrence rate was far greater in every sex and age group than in either one of the Negro series in East and West Africa.
Over 4,500 autopsies and not a single fatal MI. If this isn't worth studying, what is? These data should be part of first-year training in medicine and health programs.

To satisfy the skeptics, Lee and colleagues imported hundreds of hearts from consecutive autopsies in Albany (USA), Africa, Korea and Japan. They had an American pathologist analyze them side-by side to eliminate any diagnostic bias. Here's what they found:
In the African Negro series no infarct was found in any age group [out of 244 hearts, 39 over 60 years old]. In the Korean series there were only 2 cases of myocardial infarction [out of 106 hearts] and they were both women... In the Japanese series there were 8 cases of myocardial infarction in 259 hearts. All were men...
In the American sample, nearly 40% of the hearts of men and women over 60 showed signs of MI. The findings of the American pathologist confirmed the international autopsy data, showing that diagnostic bias did not contribute to the results significantly. They also took measurements of the thickness of the coronary artery wall, an index of atherosclerosis. They found that the Americans had the most atherosclerosis, but all cultures had some degree of it and there was overlap in the amount of atherosclerosis between samples. This led the investigators to state:
Myocardial infarction and coronary thrombosis are almost nonexistent in Uganda and Nigeria, and the amount of coronary arteriosclerosis is significantly less in Africans than in whites. However, in the two groups there was some overlapping in the degree of arteriosclerosis. No Africans had infarcts, but some had the same or a greater degree of coronary arteriosclerosis as a few whites who had myocardial infarctions. One explanation for this may be that some difference in clotting or clot-lysis mechanisms is present in the two groups. In a previous study, we showed that the incidence of thromboembolic phenomena in the pulmonary circulation [blood clots in the lungs] was low in East Africans as compared with Americans.
Now, the authors' conclusions:
These data strongly suggest that among the Orientals the environmental factor is playing a major role in the etiology of myocardial infarction and coronary thrombosis. If the genetic factor is an important one, those Orientals who moved to this country many years ago or who were born in this country should still maintain their low occurrence rate of myocardial infarction at least to some extent, and one would not expect to see similar occurrence rates of myocardial infarction in Orientals and whites as old as 50 to 59 years... As with the Orientals, this suggests that for Negroes in the United States environmental factors are more important than genetic factors in the etiology of myocardial infarction.
Africans in Africa and Japanese in Japan = low incidence of MI. Africans, Japanese and Caucasians in the US = high and similar incidence of MI. Genes only influence a person's susceptibility to MI when they live in an environment that promotes MI. Otherwise, genes are basically irrelevant.

What do the traditional diets and lifestyles of Japan and Africa have in common? Not much. Even within Nigeria, the diet varies from heavily starch-based (root vegetables, soaked/fermented non-gluten grains, beans, plantains) to mostly reliant on high-fat dairy and meat. In fact, I believe it's the wrong question to ask. A better question is "what do we eat/do in the US that traditional Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Polynesians, Melanesians and Africans don't"? For starters, none of them rely on industrial vegetable oils, sugar and wheat to nearly the same extent as modern America. Their food is generally prepared at home using wholesome ingredients and traditional methods.

They probably get more exercise than Americans, even if it's only walking in Tokyo or domestic tasks for women in parts of Africa. Traditional Africans surely get more sunlight and thus more vitamin D. I can't imagine life is less stressful in Tokyo than in San Francisco or Los Angeles.

I really like this study, and I think these graphs should be disseminated as much as possible. I've prepared high-resolution versions in JPEG, Powerpoint and PDF formats. E-mail me (click on my profile for the link) if you would like a copy. Let me know which format(s) you want.

blender incident

This morning I made a big mistake with the blender. I was making a collard green smoothie and decided I didn't need the lid on because the greens covered the liquid below and it was easier to add the greens with the lid off while it was going (next time I will just do it in steps with the blender off!). The problem occurred when I started using the plunger and I went down too far and it hit the spinning blades. kablam! it was like on the old batman tv show episodes where the words pop on the screen. Green stuff went everywhere. I snapped this picture after I'd started cleaning up. The plastic container at top right is full of tea bags and they got hit too (not just on the outside).

The ceiling got hit:

My computer was on a chair nearby to remind me what the ingredients are:

Fortunately, the green stuff wipes right off. Apparently I did swear but it wasn't out of anger, more out of shock and fascination. I also said "oh my god" a lot. That got housemate out of bed to come see what the excitement was. Then we just started laughing. But it did make my breakfast rushed because I had a 9 am appointment to get to and had to clean up this mess and make another smoothie!

lazy salad

This is especially good in summer when the produce is fresh and local. I call it a lazy salad because I was too lazy to add more ingredients or make salad dressing.


salad greens
tomato from the garden, chopped
1/3 cup edamame (optional; if you need to get some beans in)
any other fresh veggie you have on hand (zucchini, bell pepper)

This is fantastic if you happen to have fresh ripe tomatoes from your garden. No need to bother with fancy salad dressing!

aug 14

late brekky: 2 Tbsp sunflower seeds, 1 pint delicious blueberries

lunch: 4 (!) ears of corn and avocado butter. I was hungry at the corn stand so got irrational with my purchase. my lazy salad (decided to turn it into a recipe). some carrots and celery.

dinner: 1 small musk melon. This was the best melon I've ever eaten! so sweet. I will get another soon! This was followed by my pot o' veggies. And then the lazy salad. I tend to prefer eating dessert first and salad last. Sweets make me want to eat more so I'd rather not have them last. salad is a good finisher for me. I'm a strange one. I'm sure I had some carrots too since I always have them with a meal.

aug 13

I'm exhausted after a very long day of editing a complicated document. ugh. okay,

brekky: I wasn't hungry at first, then had 2 Tbsp sunflower seeds, after a hard but fun workout.

Then for lunch I was hungry so that was good. I definitely need to eat small breakfasts in order to be hungry for lunch. I had 3 ears of corn + avocado butter, a couple of raw carrots, and some salad greens with fresh sliced tomato from the garden. YUM.

For dinner, I had a big bowl of the pot'o veggies. Then my lazy salad: salad greens, sliced tomato and some blood orange vinegar. It was really good! I don't feel like making salads these days, but you really don't have to work at it when you have fresh garden tomatoes. I also had a fresh peach and some raw carrots. Summer produce is so fabulous.

aug 12

late brekky at the co-op after exercise and grocery shopping: 1/2 small yellow (doll) watermelon, 1.5 oz brazil nuts, some cherries, and some date-walnut essene bread. yummy

lunch: a peach, 3 ears of corn and avocado butter, some raw carrots and peas, some more essene bread, a box of blueberries (oops, that was supposed to be tomorrow's breakfast).

dinner: salad greens, raw carrots and celery, the rest of the essene bread---oops! then I wasn't hungry enough to eat my pot 'o veggies, which is much more nutritious, and better tasting for that matter! I have no self-control when it comes to the "allowed foods." sigh...

Cleave and Yudkin on Fats

Drs. T. L. Cleave (1906-1983) and John Yudkin (1910-1995) were two diet-health researchers who believed that refined carbohydrate-- and particularly refined sugar-- are behind many modern health problems. They made their case in the scientific journals, as well as in books aimed at the general public. They were also witheringly dismissive of the idea that animal fats could be behind the coronary heart disease epidemic of the 20th century. I'm going to post a few quotes of theirs that I'm particularly fond of, relating to this. I'll start off with a few oldies but goodies from T. L. Cleave's The Saccharine Disease, page 100:
Those who incriminate animal fats in raising the blood lipids and causing coronary disease would have us stop eating the fats that we have been eating from immemorial time, such as the fat found in meat and in the butter and cream derived from milk, and eat instead a whole lot of new oils, mainly expressed from vegetable seeds, many of which oils are alien to us.
From pages 100-101:
The keeping of flocks of sheep, herds of cattle, and other domestic animals, in order to provide a continuity of meat and milk, started with neolithic man many thousands of years before the Christian era... To these fats we are therefore well adapted, quite apart from man, as a hunter, being well acquainted with the fat of animals in evolutionary times far more remote than the neolithic ones.
From page 101:
Contrast with these ancient fats the new oils, mainly expressed from vegetable seeds. Not only are many of these seeds not a natural food for man (e.g., cotton seed and sunflower seed-- and incidentally the sunflower does not even come from the Old World, as we do in the British isles, but from the New), but also the oils expressed from many of them never existed in any quantity before the invention of the modern hydraulic press or the new solvent procedures, and consequently were scarcely eaten in this country before the introduction of margarine, circa 1916, during the First World War. Evolutionarily these oils make us not so much men as the equivalent of a flock of greenfinches, and the evolutionary incongruity is heightened by the fact that the coronary explosion amongst us, as will be seen later, came in since the introduction of just these oils at the period stated, though in margarine they are often saturated by a stream of hydrogen.
Now for a little John Yudkin. From "Dietary Factors in Arteriosclerosis: Sucrose" (Lipids 13(5):370. 1978):
In principle, it is very doubtful that one can in any way profoundly modify the diet of any species, including Homo sapiens, without introducing some hazard. The consumption of large quantities of PUFA [polyunsaturated fat] has been made possible only by the very recent development of sophisticated techniques of cultivating oilseeds, and extracting and refining vegetable oils. Before such techniques were available, these oils made only a small contribution to our diets, as they still do in the poorer countries. We cannot ignore the evidence that the large amounts widely recommended nowadays as a preventive of CHD can produce undesirable effects, such as increasing the risk of gallstones and possibly of carcinomatous changes in the skin. On the other hand, the reduction of the high amounts of sugar that we now consume is not known to be accompanied by any hazard.
Drs. T. L. Cleave and John Yudkin: making sense since 1936.

Misinformation About Health Care

Here is a brilliant compilation of all the misinformation being spread about the proposed health care changes BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.

Bait and Switch Obama Style

Camila Paglia from has a scathing rebuke of Obama's handling of the Health Care Reform bill, and an even more blunt indictment of Speaker Pelosi. For example:

"...But who would have thought that the sober, deliberative Barack Obama would have nothing to propose but vague and slippery promises -- or that he would so easily cede the leadership clout of the executive branch to a chaotic, rapacious, solipsistic Congress? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom I used to admire for her smooth aplomb under pressure, has clearly gone off the deep end with her bizarre rants about legitimate town-hall protests by American citizens. She is doing grievous damage to the party and should immediately step down.

There is plenty of blame to go around. Obama's aggressive endorsement of a healthcare plan that does not even exist yet, except in five competing, fluctuating drafts, makes Washington seem like Cloud Cuckoo Land. The president is promoting the most colossal, brazen bait-and-switch operation since the Bush administration snookered the country into invading Iraq with apocalyptic visions of mushroom clouds over American cities."

aug 11

today I was gone from 7 am - 5:30 pm, and 6 - 9:30 pm. No meals were leisurely. So I was happy to have a smoothie at brekky (prepared last night); another smoothie at lunch (the same), and some carrots and celery; and for dinner during my half hour at home, veggie pot from Sunday, salad greens, a couple of small garden tomatoes, a couple of carrots, and half an orange. whew. and a few blueberries at a meeting tonight. good blueberries.


This picture made me laugh when I saw it on Bits and Pieces.

My first thought was, "Only in America can we turn a fallen rock into an opportunity!" Of course it's free! It came right off that mountain you're living next to. And now it's blocking your driveway! Besides the fact that it probably is humanly impossible to lift without heavy machinery, how would one actually "claim" this free rock? But we Americans are suckers for anything FREE! I can just imagine a man's conversation with his wife as they drive by and read the sign. Imagine how beautiful that would look in the front yard next to the duck pond....

Only in America.

aug. 10

brekky: 1/2 yellow (doll) watermelon, 1-2 oz brazil nuts, some cherries and blackberries.

lunch: a peach, 3 ears of corn and avocado butter. some raw carrots. a few peas. brekky was late so I wasn't super hungry at lunch.

dinner: a bowl from the pot 'o veggies I made yesterday. This was good. Then I ate the rest of the blackberries and a box of blueberries and a box of strawberries. oops. that filled me up. the blueberries were really good! The strawberries were better than usual. The blackberries weren't as good as usual. I'm going to start buying blueberries more because they are good and are sort of local (from the midwest anyway, today they were from Indiana). oh, I also ate half an orange. I made smoothies for tomorrow.

another collard green smoothie

Sometimes I like these and other times I don't.  When I like them, I'm liking the flavor and nutrition.  When I'm not liking them, I am thinking the delicious flavor of the fruit are gone because they are trying to offset the bitter flavor of the collards.  At those times, I'd rather get my collards another way and enjoy the fruit by itself.  

This serves 2.

1 Tbsp flaxseeds
1 Tbsp sunflower seeds
2 Tbsp hemp seeds (use any combo of the seeds you prefer)
2/3 cup edamame, thawed in microwave in a little water (if frozen)
10 oz fresh squeeze orange juice
8 oz collard greens
1 bag frozen blueberries
1 bag frozen pomegranate kernels (yum!)
1 Tbsp blueberry vinegar (makes the greens less bitter tasting)

Blend the seeds, edamame, and OJ in the blender. Add the collard greens and blend some more. Add the berries and vinegar and blend until smooth. This makes about 36-40 oz. I split it into 2 servings and freeze one or both for later. After it's frozen, it takes about 12 hours to thaw in the fridge. The microwave can help it along.

Nutritional info per serving: total calories: 460. carbs 75 g (60%), protein 16 g (12%), fat 14 g (28%).

Huge pot o' veggies

This is along the theme of the veggie pot I made last weekend. I just throw in whatever veggies I have, and add greens, beans, and seeds to make it have optimum nutrition, following Dr. Furhman's advice. We've been getting these giant broccoli and cauliflowers at the co-op. We had them twice this week with a guest, i.e., 6 servings, and still had a lot left. Here's what I had in the fridge from the co-op, all fresh and local:

beets (sweet!)

And from the garden:
1 collard green (decided I'd leave the rest for other meals this week)
parsley (italian and curly)

I forgot to check for green peppers in the garden.

Here's a picture of the garden haul. There's a lot of kale under there:

I also had cooked up some white kidney (cannellini) beans. As I assembled the ingredients I realized I didn't have enough beans, but luckily found a can of adzuki beans in the cupboard.

I cooked this all in the pressure cooker. Some veggies take longer than others so I did it in two stages. The first stage was the eggplant, carrots, onion, beets, and kale, all cut up of course. I washed and then chopped the kale in the food processor. I cooked these up for 1 minute. It's such a big pot, it takes a few minutes to reach full pressure so it actually cooks longer, and it continues to cook while it's cooling and I'm preparing the other ingredients. Then I added the other ingredients except the beans, cauliflower and herbs. I cooked the cauliflower separately and then blended it in the blender with a bunch of hemp seeds and walnuts (portioned into however much you want per serving.) This made a nice creamy sauce. raw cashews would be even tastier than the walnuts, and a little sweeter. I added this to the final result, along with the beans and chopped herbs. pretty good! Next time I will juice the carrots and beets and it will be even tastier. This made 5 large servings (over 2 cups each), which I can then have each day this week. This will be a side dish to the corn at lunch and maybe at dinner too. Here's the result. It's more purple in real life from the beets. I froze 3 of the containers so they'll be fresher later in the week. Plus my plans might change.

This took about 1.5 hours to prepare because of all the chopping. But it was a fun thing to do on a Sunday afternoon when it was raining outside. And now food prep will be very quick the rest of the week.

One lesson learned from the pressure cooker: I'm finding if I use bean juice as my liquid, it's easy to burn the bottom. So I need to make sure to use plenty of water as my liquid, at least 1 cup for this big batch.

last few days

Let's see, on Friday, I had a peach and some sunflower seeds for a late brekky after yoga. Then bought a watermelon because I thought I was going to meet some friends at Michael's frozen custard for lunch. I thought I'd eat half a watermelon (small, yellow, really good) while they ate their treats. Well, that plan got canceled so I had my usual lunch, corn, leftover veggies dipped in black bean hummus, and then had watermelon for dessert. Dinner was a repeat and the rest of the watermelon. I recall overeating at dinner. oh yeah, I had a small musk melon too; an orange; and sipped on smoothies that I was making for myself and housemate.

Yesterday I had a collard green smoothie for brekky. Lunch was at a board retreat I went to. A friend of mine who knows of my eating habits supplied part of the lunch: a nice salad with green beans and toasted walnuts and cashew orange dressing; a fruit salad with strawberries, blueberries and grapes; and celery, carrots and fresh-ground peanut butter. It was fantastic. I definitely overindulged in the peanut butter. Well, I did on everything else too, but I still feel the peanut butter. Dinner was 3 corns on the cob with avocado butter, and a peach. I was still full from lunch but I can't resist corn.

Today's brekky was a the rest of my collard green smoothie (I split it into 2 portions when I made it and froze them). Lunch was 2 small mangos, 1 bag of frozen blueberries, and 1 Tbsp hemp seed blended up into a creamy sorbet. It was yummy. The mangos were ripe and needed eating. And it was great after a bike ride home on a hot day. I had an early dinner of corn on the cob (what else?) + avocado butter, and a small sweet potato and peas, quickly cooked in the pressure cooker. The sweet potato looked good in the store, like a fresh new batch, but it was from California, and it wasn't as good as the local ones. Oh well, those will be coming soon. Then I cooked a huge pot o' veggies. I snacked while cooking, on raw carrots, the beans, the food after it was cooked. but I finished up at 4:30 pm and hopefully that will be it for the day. I am plenty full.

The Diet-Heart Hypothesis: Oxidized LDL, Part II

In the last post, I presented the evidence that oxidized LDL (oxLDL) is a dominant factor in the arterial disease known as atherosclerosis, although probably not the only factor. In this post, I'll describe some of the major contributors to oxLDL.

Polyunsaturated Fats Increase LDL Oxidation

The serum concentration of oxLDL is strongly influcenced by diet. One dietary determinant of oxLDL is dietary polyunsaturated fat (PUFA). PUFA are inherently susceptible to oxidative damage, compared to monounsaturated and saturated fats. The predominant PUFA in the modern diet is linoleic acid, found excessively in industrial seed oils like corn oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, cottonseed oil and soy oil. LDL is naturally rich in linoleic acid, even in cultures such as the Kitavans who have a very low dietary intake of it. However, LDL content of linoleic acid does correlate with dietary intake, and the Kitavans have a comparatively small amount of linoleic acid in their LDL, relative to industrial cultures.

There have been a number of media reports in the last few years proclaiming that monounsaturated fat reduces LDL oxidation compared to saturated and polyunsaturated fat. This is rather implausible on the surface, so let's take a closer look. There are two ways to measure oxLDL:
  1. Measure it directly from the blood
  2. Take normal LDL from the blood, expose it to copper in a test tube, and see how fast it oxidizes
The first reflects actual oxLDL in the blood, whereas the second reflects "susceptibility to oxidation" and has a dubious relationship with actual oxidized LDL in the bloodstream. This results in statements like the following (ref):
LDL resistance to copper-induced oxidation, expressed as lag time, was highest during the MUFA-rich diet (55.1±7.3 minutes) and lowest during the PUFA(n-3)– (45.3±7 minutes) and SFA- (45.3±6.4 minutes) rich diets.
This was published in a paper by P. Mata and colleagues in 1996. They fed 42 volunteers one of four different diets for 5 weeks each: one rich in saturated fat, one rich in monounsaturated fat, one rich in linoleic acid PUFA, and one rich in linoleic acid plus omega-3 PUFA. They emphasized the finding quoted above, as did the media. But there's an embarrassing piece of data buried in the paper that the authors, and the media, ignored (thanks to Chris Masterjohn for pointing this out). Here's what they saw when they looked directly at LDL oxidation in their volunteers:

Oops! LDL oxidation in the two PUFA groups was increased by more than 31%. The difference between the leftmost two groups and the rightmost two was statistically significant. As one would expect, oxidized LDL is proportional to the amount of PUFA in LDL, which is proportional to dietary PUFA. This somehow got left out of the abstract and media reports. The same investigators published a similar report a year later.

In another diet trial, participants were placed on one of two diets for 5 weeks: a low-fat, high PUFA diet low in vegetables; or a low-fat, high PUFA diet high in vegetables. The authors were forthright about their findings, so I'll let them summarize:
The median plasma OxLDL-EO6 increased by 27% (P less than 0.01) in response to the low-fat, low-vegetable diet and 19% (P less than 0.01) in response to the low-fat, high-vegetable diet. Also, the Lp(a) concentration was increased by 7% (P less than 0.01) and 9% (P=0.01), respectively.
This is the diet mainstream cardiologists have been prescribing to heart attack patients for 40 years. The trials I mentioned above are the only three I'm aware of in which fat quality was manipulated and oxLDL was directly measured (the first two were based on subsets of the same data). They all suggest that replacing saturated fat with PUFA increases oxLDL.

I suspect that the effect has less to do with the decrease in saturated fat and more to do with the increase in PUFA, although there's no way to know for sure. In the
Lyon Diet-Heart trial, which I believe was the most successful diet trial of all time, linoleic acid was reduced to 3.6% of calories, but saturated fat was also reduced. Another reason is that there are numerous low-fat, low PUFA, high-carbohydrate cultures that have low levels of atherosclerosis and heart attacks. The Kitavans, for example, don't seem to have heart attacks or strokes (although no autopsies have been done so we don't know how much atherosclerosis they have).

They get 69% of their calories from high-glycemic starchy tubers, and their 21% fat comes mostly from coconut so it's highly saturated. Their
blood lipids are low in omega-6 linoleic acid and very saturated. But there's a little surprise in the data: their lipids are full of palmitic acid (saturated), despite the fact that their diet contains very little of it. The reason is that their livers are turning all that carbohydrate into saturated fat, which is what happens when you eat more carbohydrate than you can burn immediately or store as glycogen. The moral of the story is that you don't need to eat saturated fat to have saturated LDL: a high-carbohydrate diet can accomplish the same thing, especially if it has a high glycemic index.

Fat-Soluble Antioxidants Decrease LDL Oxidation

LDL carries fat-soluble antioxidants, predominantly vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). One form of vitamin E, alpha-tocopherol, slows atherosclerosis in most animal models but has shown equivocal results in human trials. There is even the
suggestion that it may increase LDL oxidation under some circumstances. I don't recommend supplementing with vitamin E. However, the first line of antioxidant defense in LDL is provided by CoQ10. CoQ10 unequivocally reduces LDL oxidation in human subjects, and potently reduces atherosclerosis in animal models.

CoQ10 has a special relationship with cardiovascular health. Levels are reduced in individuals with cardiovascular disease and high oxLDL. Whether this is cause or effect, it's difficult to say. However, supplementing with CoQ10 has been repeatedly shown to be effective for
high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. There has been one controlled trial of CoQ10 (120 mg/day) supplementation for the prevention of heart attacks, which reduced cardiac events including deaths by 45%, compared to a group receiving B vitamins. The CoQ10 group showed a large reduction in plasma lipid oxidation. This is a promising result and the experiment should be repeated.

CoQ10 is not an essential nutrient, although food does contribute a small portion of our total CoQ10 use. The large majority of CoQ10 is synthesized by the body itself, and this is dependent on a number of essential nutrients, including vitamin B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, vitamin C and folic acid. Thus, the body's synthesis of CoQ10 is dependent on overall nutritional status. Sub-clinical deficiency of any of these vitamins can hypothetically contribute to reduced CoQ10 production and thus oxLDL. This is potentially a big problem since modern Americans get more than half their calories from nutrient-poor refined foods.
Liver is the single best source of many of these vitamins, and also holds the title of Most Nutritious Food on the Planet. It's also rich in CoQ10.

CoQ10 synthesis declines with age and is reduced in people with disorders involving oxidative stress, like cardiovascular disease. It's also greatly reduced by the cholesterol-lowering drugs statins. I'm not generally in favor of supplements, but CoQ10 seems to have a lot of promise and nothing but positive side effects that I'm aware of.
CoQ10 deficiency may be a common theme in a number of modern disorders.

Excess Blood Sugar and Fructose Increase LDL Oxidation

type I and type II diabetes are associated with higher levels of oxLDL, therefore, prolonged high blood glucose may contribute to LDL oxidation due to glycosylation of the LDL protein ApoB. Fructose consumption increases oxLDL relative to glucose. Fructose is a very powerful glycosylating agent (binds non-specifically to other molecules, causing damage). Although it isn't present at high levels in the general circulation, it does interact with blood lipids in the hepatic portal vein as it moves from the digestive tract to the liver to be turned into fat (palmitic acid). Peter at Hyperlipid has written extensively about the role of glycosylation in LDL oxidation.

The Diet-Heart Hypothesis: The Verdict

The diet-heart hypothesis, the idea that dietary saturated fat and cholesterol raise blood cholesterol and thus increase heart attack risk, is a half-century embarrassment to the international scientific community. It requires willful ignorance of the fact that saturated fat
does not increase total cholesterol or LDL in humans, in the long term. It requires a simplistic view of blood lipids that ignores the potentially harmful effects of replacing animal fats with carbohydrate or industrial seed oils. Worst of all, it requires selective citation of the literature on diet modification trials.

I have to conclude that if dietary saturated fat and cholesterol play any role whatsoever in cardiovascular disease, it's a minor one that's trumped by other factors. Industrial seed oils and sugar are likely to play an important role in cardiovascular disease.

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