nov 21 2008 food

Breakfast:  salad with apples & cranberries
1.5 oz mixed nuts.  ate these right after exercising to give me energy for the cold bike ride home.
then had my salad.  that worked well (even if it was probably mostly psychological!)

Lunch:  was out with a friend, knew we were going to Chipotles' which does have a good vegan burrito but I brought my own lunch.  Now, I feel I have to explain myself to the public why I didn't want to partake in a vegan burrito at Chipotles' (too much salt and refined grains) because I worry they will think I've got an eating disorder (there is one assigned to people who are obsessed with eating healthy, I forget what it's called).  To the people on the Fuhrman forums I don't have to explain and that's giving me more confidence in my choices.  So it will be interesting to see how I handle next week in New York with my SAD (Standard American Diet) friends.  Anyway I brought my lunch to Chipotles.  It was steamed beets and brussels sprouts and a mashed (baked) sweet potato with raisins and pumpkin pie spice, which was kind of like dessert.   It was great.  I was slightly tempted in having a bite of the burrito which wouldn't have been a problem, but I didn't bother in the end.

Dinner:  Had some friends over in the evening and made cookies for them (banana oat cookies from the Fuhrman member site).  So I just had some fresh pineapple, grapes, and then lots of cookies as my dinner.  They are healthy cookies (more like oat clusters) made from bananas, oats, raisins, walnuts, cinnamon and vanilla.  So it was kind of like eating oatmeal and bananas with more many raisins and walnuts than you should normally have in a day.  So not a big splurge.  But was it worth it?   oh, the cookies also were topped with raspberry jam so had sugar in them too.  They were good.  But to be honest, I think I'd enjoy a bowl of oatmeal with raisins and bananas or blueberries more.  and I'd enjoy other kinds of fruit more.  So I'm not sure in the splurge department that these cut it for me.  But the guests seemed to like them.  I was surprised because they are SAD eaters and are used to eating things with a lot more sugar and salt and fat, so I was expecting them to think they are yucky, but they all had at least 2 of them and said they were good.   It shows that SAD eaters would be perfectly happy eating this healthy Fuhrman food if they knew how to prepare it.

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