trip update

This smoothie is really good--it's better if it doesn't thaw all the way and you eat it with a spoon.  When it's completely thawed, it has a different consistency than when it was prepared.  Wow, I never thought 4.5 oz of collard greens & spinach would taste  good.  Keep in mind though, my tastes have probably changed--I don't like sweets as much as I used to.  But it's got 2 bags of berries in it!   It's a big one, but it's good on a trip because it fills you up.  The beans are filling me up too, which I need because I don't have as many extras to eat like I usually do at home.   Here's my post on what I brought on this trip.  The frozen smoothies and dishes have stayed frozen and it's working great.  I have an electric cooler plugged in keeping them cool.  It was a tiny bit uncomfortable at dinner last night but that's because we're adjusting to my being so different and bringing my own food, and my hosts are used to preparing lovely meals for their guests.  Everyone feels a little self-conscious about it at first.  Hopefully we'll be all adjusted by tonight.  

okay, I'm here to work.  gotta go.

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