July 15

Brekky: 1/4 cantaloupe, 1/4 honey dew melon, a peach, some walnuts (~1/2 oz)

Lunch: avocado-mango salad. 1/2 orange. a carrot while preparing. My salad was big and had plenty of fat in it with the 1/2 avocado and 1/2 cup edamame and 1 Tbsp hemp seeds. But it turned out to be about right. I was hungry by dinner-time. Here's a picture of the big salad:

Dinner: leftovers from yesterday, the beans, greens, and seeds dish. an apple and an orange. then when I got home I was a bit hungry and I don't want to lose any more weight, and I found some cashew butter on my doorstep (ordered it from Dr. Fuhrman), so I had a carrot dipped in cashew butter. sounds weird but it was pretty good. A banana would have been better but they were frozen. and I was out of apples.

After dinner I made a bunch of smoothies to freeze for housemate. We're going on a road-trip soon and will be bringing lots of food. Plus I don't trust myself with that cashew butter so decided to put most of it in the smoothies.

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