large collard green smoothie

I've been tweaking this recipe. I don't know why I like this but I do. It's not that sweet compared to others. I have lots of collard greens in my garden so this is a great way to use them. .

2-4 oz collard greens and/or spinach or chard (note to self: I don't like kale or parsley in smoothies).
1 bag frozen berries (e.g., blueberries, strawberries)
1/2 bag frozen pomegranate kernels (just became available in my co-op, yum!)
2 small oranges, peeled, cut in quarters to remove seeds
2 Tbsp seeds (hemp, flax, sunflower, pumpkin) = 1 oz
1 cup water
1 Tbsp blueberry vinegar (makes the greens less bitter tasting)

put the seeds in the bottom of the blender. add 1/2 cup water, the orange, vinegar, and the greens. Blend until smooth, then add the berries and rest of the water. Makes about 24 oz. You can freeze some for later.

Nutritional info: total calories: 531. carbs 107 g (71%), protein 14 g (9%), fat 12 g (20%).

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