July 14

brekky: 1/4 cantaloupe, 1/4 honey dew melon. some walnuts and pumpkin seeds (probably 1/2-1 oz total). some salad greens.

Then my stomach was bothering me again. I'm not sure why. I did eat too many cherries last night, but I've done that plenty of times. Last night's smoothie had 4 oz of spinach in it. But I've done that plenty of times. But maybe the combination of that plus the 1 cup of beans a day is too much. I need more food when I don't eat beans, but I probably should cut back on volume when I include the beans. Or maybe I just ate something with some bacteria on it, I don't know.

Anyhow, I therefore ate a light lunch. I just snacked a bit on things as I prepared dinner for later since I wouldn't be home. I made another greens, beans & seeds dish, because I really want to adopt Dr. Fuhrman's advice to eat lots of greens, beans, and nuts and seeds. And I made a nice fruit salad--strawberries, raspberries, mango, and kiwi (2 servings, one for housemate). I ate 1/2 orange while making housemate's orange juice. And I ate some more nuts and seeds, probably 1 oz. That seemed like plenty of food for lunch. Then dinner was those dishes I prepared. It was yummy. I feel fine right now, so hopefully all will be well.

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