July 8

Brekky: delicious perfectly ripe peach. delicious grapefruit. then I thought, I should have some greens too but I didn't feel like working so I just ate a bunch of romaine lettuce leaves. They were really good. That's all I felt like having. The fruit was really tasty.

Regarding grapefruit, I had stopped eating it because Dr. Fuhrman pointed out studies that show its link to cancer. At the Getaway, he said he suspects this applies mainly to overweight people with excess estrogen, and that grapefruits are okay if you are thin and eat healthy, but there are no studies to prove this definitively (yet). So I think I will go back to eating it occasionally, or maybe even more than occasionally. I missed the best season, spring, when they come from Texas. Those are the best ones in my opinion, but this one I ate from California was very good.

Lunch: collard greens, tomatoes, beans, small zucchini, herbs and ground seeds. I really liked this so will probably make it a lot because I have lots of collard greens in the garden, lots of herbs, and lots of tomatoes. I ate a carrot and some snap peas while preparing. had a ripe delicious peach for dessert.

Dinner: brazil nuts and cherries, followed by leftover lunch (greens dish), and a plate of salad greens, snap peas, carrot and orange pieces, followed by more cherries. I ate too many cherries. I overate. oops. The plate of food was super easy to prepare and was good. I am often too lazy to make a salad, but throwing a bunch of things onto a plate is easy. That's at left; at right is the leftover lunch dish which was even better at dinner.

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