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Let's see if I can recount the last several days:

On Wednesday, we had our last breakfast and lunch at Dr. Fuhrman's Health Getaway. It was yummy of course. Then we took the shuttle to Miami and stayed in a hotel near the airport. Gail and I shared a can of VitaBeanaVegaMin soup. Gail informed me that that name is a take-off from an old "I Love Lucy" tv show.

On Thursday morning for breakfast I had two more cans of soup. I still had them leftover from my trip out, plus they gave us a free can at the Getaway. I also wanted to empty my suitcase a bit. Well, I'm so glad I ate two cans because after many delays, I arrived in Chicago at about 5:30 pm, about 10 hours after breakfast when you account for the time change. I bought an apple and banana and that satisfied me for a while. But I missed my connection so had to catch a bus home and didn't arrive until 9:30 pm. I was dreaming of banana walnut ice cream on the ride home. When I got home, I ate a bunch of carrots and a smoothie. I guess I wanted some greens more than the ice cream. I'm now getting the greens from my garden so will probably have this smoothie a lot.

Then on Friday morning I had my banana walnut ice cream. Oh, then I went grocery shopping and ate lots of delicious fruit---cherries, blackberries, and some brazil nuts. For lunch we had fruit salad (the usual strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and banana). Then for dinner I had a smoothie at a friend's house. They thought I was weird. I don't care.

Yesterday I wasn't home much, had a smoothie and cherries at brekky. Lunch was a big salad (lettuce, avocado, red bell pepper) with cashew-mango dressing, extremely yummy. At dinner I was at a barbeque and didn't make time to prepare food for myself. I nibbled on strawberries, spinach and tomatoes. I was still hungry when I got home so made a fruit and veggie platter (carrots, celery, apples, red bell pepper) which we dipped into the rest of the mango-cashew dressing. It was good.

Today I had a smoothie for brekky, and a half a cantaloupe and a kiwi. I finally had some time to cook something so made some carrot-lentil soup (from the Fuhrman recipe site: I used 2 cups red lentils, 3 sweet onions, and carrot juice made from 5 lbs of carrots); and cabbage salad and had that for lunch. For dinner, I kind of pigged out. I had more of the soup and salad, then an apricot, a kiwi, then made some cashew dip (cashews, water, date sugar blended up), and dipped a banana into that. It was yummy, but I ate a lot of cashews. I think I have a problem with sweet things triggering me to overeat. The soup is very sweet with the carrot juice, and I think it's a problem for me. So even though the Fuhrman plan has many delicious tasting soups and dressings and desserts, and I can handle them at the Getaway where the meal ends and the food is no longer available, when I'm at home, I don't handle them as well knowing I can just go to the refrigerator and eat them. So my food logs will probably return to less sweet and more boring things because they don't cause me to eat well past fullness. Plus, from what I'm learning about nutrition, it's harmful to spike your system with sugar and insulin, and I can definitely feel the spikes when I eat these sweet things. So, I'm sorry that my blog won't be full of delicious sweet things, like we ate at the Getaway.

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