July 11

This morning I weighed myself. I felt like I overate this week, and thought for sure my weight would be up, but I was still at 118. I've been trying to eat more beans and nuts and seeds this week to help build muscle--yeah, I want to a buff 49 year old! The beans really do fill you up. I think I'll learn to moderate my intake of other foods so I don't feel too bloated. My boobs have shrunk lately, maybe there's where the weight came off, ha. I think I'm going to need new bras.

Brekky: cabbage and apples. love this. plum. also had sips of housemate's smoothies. I'm changing that recipe, still working on it.

We went on a bike ride and took a bag of carrots and sugar snap peas to dip in the leftover zucchini-sesame sauce. and I also had 1/2 cup bean, fruit salad (strawberries, raspberries, bananas--I don't like the current batch of blueberries at the co-op---too soft), and a kiwi. Housemate had peas and carrots and a candy bar for later. It was a yummy lunch. We were at a popular biking spot and everyone was going to a local coffee shop to eat. I think my lunch was way better!

Dinner: had the rest of the carrots and sesame-zucchini sauce from lunch while preparing my favorite avocad0-mango salad. also ate an orange, which I really didn't need. oh, and ate 1/2 cup of beans. time to soak some more for cooking tomorrow.

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