Obama Has His Nuclear Moment

Hope it doesn't go unnoticed by the MSM!  Here's the article and video that shows Obama mispronouncing the word Orion, the name of a small business he is acknowledging, three times in about 3 minutes. 

If you ask me, this stuff is childish.  I really could care less.  The amount of words the POTUS speaks in a given day is immense.  For his tongue to keep up with the teleprompter is no small feat.  The only reason I mention it is the obvious.  This type of slip was interpretted by the MSM as "Bush is stupid".  It was fodder for the continued assault on the man and evidence of his incompetence.  Well, what does it mean when the golden-tongued ONE does the same thing?  I don't know, maybe that he is just human.  However you look at it, it certainly does NOT mean that he is stupid. <sarc>

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