Why Obama Wants America To Fail

I have suspected this was more than incompetence, but here is the first time I am seeing it in writing.  Kevin McCullough explains what he believes is the reason Obama's administration has been slow to focus on the financial crisis (with the Banking "solution" still no where in his sights - I heard even today that they are trying to "stress-test" the larger institutions first to see what options they have).  However, there is plenty of time to start discussing health care reform and education.  Because, after all, it's health care and education that got us into this global economic crisis....  O, wait, no it wasn't.  Sorry about that. 

Well, here's how McCullough sees it, and I think he's pretty warm.

"If it makes no sense to the free market economists that populate the best economics programs across the nation, if it weakens the ability for the average family to make ends meet, and if it does not increase the number of people actually working, why is President Obama so stubbornly continuing to pursue his economically diabolical plan of destruction?

Because it's part of the master plan to "not let a good crisis go to waste."


But pretending to be doing something about the problem is only half the strategy for Obama. He truly intends to see socialized health care, and European styled labor agreements become reality in America. He knows the consequences of doing such things, he's seen all the projections and what the outcomes would be, but he's doing it anyway.

But there is one tiny problem standing in his way to getting there--"We The People!"

He knows that in order to be forced down paths that we don't wish to go, the only way he gets us to change our mind is to create abject suffering and misery.

Then in Venezuelan styled cries for help, he can promise to take America to a better place economically, a place of greater care, a place of true serenity. A place like Venezuela.


President Obama and his team do not intend to solve this crisis as quickly as they possibly could--like he promised on the campaign trail. Instead, his intention is to let us bleed until the whimper we are expressing now finally builds into an all out, gut wrenching, cry of anguish. He does not care what must be done to arrive at that reality, only that we arrive there.

Many think the Obama administration is incompetent, and surely they've proved this, from the vetting of their appointments to handling the limited foreign relationships they've entertained thus far.

But on the domestic agenda they are as sly as foxes, and our future is the henhouse.

And in refusing to allow a "good crisis" to go to waste, the strategic move to remake Amerika anew has begun."

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