Brekky: morning smoothie, carrot
I was out doing manual labor until 2 pm. Brought a lunch of 2 essene buds, an apple, banana, carrots and celery. snacked on some fruit salad (strawberries, cantaloupe, grapes etc.) that someone else brought. Then when I got home I had a baked sweet potato ready (cooked by housemate) and a half cup of frozen peas for dessert. I love frozen peas right out of the bag. It is a great snack/dessert.
Dinner: big easy salad. snacked on celery, carrots and yesterday's dip while making it. The dip is still delicious. had an orange for dessert. If you've followed my blog for a long time (who would do that?), you might notice that I change my favorite salad about once a month. I invent a new one and it is my all-time favorite and I eat it for about a month and then I invent another. That's a quirk of mine I guess. I love these olives so I wouldn't be surprised if they stay in the salad for more than a month. Note, for house mate I've been making the arugula-apple salad (without lettuce instead of arugula) because I don't think she'd like the olives. I should let her try out mine and see if she likes it.