really easy arugula (or lettuce or green) salad

arugula or green for a large serving
1 apple
1 orange (optional)
1 Tbsp sunflower seeds, ground in a coffee grinder (or mortar and pestle)
1 Tbsp Fuhrman D'angou pear vinegar (or some other mild vinegar)
chopped red bell pepper (optional)
1/2 cup sweet peas or sweet peas and corn (optional)

Cut up the greens so you can fit more in, put them on a plate.  Peel the apple, cut smallish pieces on top of the salad.  Peel the orange and and add the pieces (can break them up into smaller pieces and let the juice out).  Add the sunflower seeds and vinegar.   Top with the red bell pepper.  If you add the peas and corn, you can thaw them in the microwave for 30-60 secons.   I really like this salad and it's super quick and easy.  I heard that acidic food like vinegar mixes well with bitter greens like arugula.  Well, now I see what they mean.  I thought the flavor mixture was really good, along with the apples.  Oh, the reason I added the sunflower seeds is to thicken the vinegar so it sticks to the salad.  Other seeds or nuts would probably work too.  The apple and vinegar gives a nice sweet and tart flavor, yum.  It's good with or without the orange.  If you have a juicy orange, it adds liquid which is good.  But if you are traveling and can't grind the sunflower seeds, then you don't need the extra liquid.

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