Government Corruption and Irony

Yes, I know - Republicans have their own issues. But the big story of the day is Illinois Governor Rod Blagojovich has been arrested for corruption. Shocked, Shocked...I say! This is particularly interesting to me having lived in Chicago for about 7 years, and especially since I lived down the block from the Governor - on Sunnyside (that's the actual name of the street he lived on, seriously). You probably have all the details by now, but I wanted to include some related stories that are worth a laugh (or "snort-worthy" as Michelle Malkin calls them). Irony is a kicker, isn't it?

First Lady Patricia Blagojevich announces December selection for Children’s Reading Club as How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Chicago to host 30th Annual Governmental Ethics Conference on Dec 7-11, 2008

Now everyone is waiting for the other shoe to drop - How (not "if") Obama is connected? TBC...

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