Questions to Ask Before Getting Married

While looking for another article by Dennis Prager I came across this series: "If you're thinking of marrying" (Don't read anything into this).  But I found this worthwhile.  The 12 questions he says must be asked if this is the case are:

  1. Is the person your best friend or at least becoming so?

  2. Aside from sex, do you enjoy each other?

  3. Is there chemistry between the two of you?

  4. Does the person have a number of good friends and at least one very close friend of the same sex?

  5. How does the person treat others?

  6. What problems do the two of you now have? And what inner voice of doubt, if any, are you

  7. How often do you fight?

  8. Do you share values?

  9. Do you miss the person when you are not together?

  10. Is the person unhappy?

  11. How much of your love is dependent on the sex you are having?

  12. What do people you respect think of the person you're considering marrying?

Here are the links for Part 1 and Part 2, which explains the questions a bit further.

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