banana-berry-cashew sauce over spinach

I was in the mood for inventing a new dessert today with my three favorite ingredients, banana, cashews, and berries. So first I blended up a banana, 1/4 cup cashews, and 1/2 bag frozen cherries. It made a cream sauce. I guess it was more of a dressing. I started eating it but decided it needed something. So I chopped up some spinach. Then I poured the sauce over the spinach. It was really good, satisfied my splurge desire, and I'm not even sure it counts as a splurge. I still want to experiment more with the "dessert" part. If I'd used a frozen banana, I could have called it ice cream and eaten it without the spinach. Or I could have blended up just the cherries and cashews and poured that over banana pieces. But I actually really liked what I did and it served as my meal. I'll try it with other berries, and play around some more with variations. That will be a fun experiment!

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