dec 1 food

Breakfast: same salad as yesterday.  apple-blueberry-pineapple-cinnamon compote over shredded lettuce and spinach.  Instead of flaxseed, I mixed in ground sunflower seeds (I used a coffee grinder).  Both of these are good for soaking up the fruit juice.   I eat this after exercising so I'm usually very hungry and just about anything would taste good then.  I also biked in the snow which added to my hunger.

Lunch:  I tried out a recipe for sweet potato fries.  It's easy, you just slice them up, add some garlic and onion powder and bake at 400 for an hour or so, turning a lot.   It was good but it's even easier to just bake the potato and mash it and it's more moist that way.  I don't miss french fries so don't have a psychological need for these, so I doubt I'll repeat it.  But housemate liked it (and coincidentally she likes fries).  Okay, that was the side dish.  Then I also made brussels sprouts and nut sauce.  For housemate I made mashed potatoes--these just had steamed potatoes, part of a leek (steamed too), and some ground almonds and soy milk.  They were excellent.  See I made soy milk this weekend for some of the treats, so today I made things that used up the rest of the soy milk.  By the way, this batch of soy milk was really good.  I just did soy beans and threw in 4 dates.  That made it a little sweet but not too much.  just right.  

Dinner:  leftover brussels sprouts.  It was really good but not enough.  So I steamed up some broccoli and carrots and made more nut sauce to pour over it.    I also have a couple of grapefruits to get rid of so I made some grapefruit orange juice.  That was very very yummy.  Now that was way easier than making sorbets or oat bars and I think it tasted better.  I think I like the simple desserts like oranges.  However, the date nut pop'ems are the exception.  Those are sooo good.  I had two of them.  plus a few nuts.  I ate too many nuts again today.  I'll have to go back to measuring out my nut portions.   I can tell when I eat too many (stinky farts...).  In case you didn't know it, vegans and health food nuts like to talk about pooping and farting.  We do so much of it.  hey, at least we aren't constipated.  which means no hemorrhoids either.  knock on wood.

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