dec 8 food

Breakfast: 1 Tbsp sunflower seeds followed by my favorite apple-cranberry salad

Lunch:  leftover shepherd's pie.  

Dinner:  snacked on a carrot and celery while making dinner which was brussels sprouts and a beet (chopped) cooked in a little water with a little of a flavored vinegar, a Tbsp ground sunflower seeds, oh and some currants.  I put this over a bed of chopped arugula and spinach.  I've found lettuce greens are a great substitute for grains like rice and potatoes.  Just eat everything over a bed of greens!  anyway, this was surprisingly good.  This was just veggies from the fridge over greens from the fridge.  Then I had a grapefruit.  and I didn't need anything else but I had already soaked a couple of dried figs to make a blueberry sorbet (frozen blueberries, figs and pomegranite juice).  It was good.

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