dec 22 food

Breakfast:  banana before yoga class.  apple after yoga.  Usually I wait until I get home to eat breakfast but yoga is later than my usual exercise class and I didn't eat a whole lot yesterday, and I biked in frigid temperatures so wanted to make sure I had energy.  I had a clementine when I got home, and about 1/2 oz pistachio nuts.  then it was kind of close to lunchtime.

Lunch:  Dr. Fuhrman's anti-cancer soup (from freezer) over arugula.  Housemate and I decided we would have preferred to separate the salad and soup today.  orange and a few cherries for dessert.

Dinner:  1 carrot, 1 rib celery, 0.5 oz brazil nuts while trying to stave off hunger because I was busy working and not ready to make dinner at the usual time.  then beets and edamame over lettuce.  I think I'm tiring of eating stuff over chopped lettuce.  I go through phases.   oh, added 1 Tbsp sunflower seeds and 1 Tbsp currants.  it was good.  orange and a few cherries for dessert.   now, did I overeat?   I don't feel too full.  I think I did okay.

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