Get Rid of Your Extra Bibles

I just bought a new Bible, and, like many of you, already have a couple I don't use already. Here's a great program that allows you to donate your unused Bibles to those who could really use them in other parts of the world. From "Operation Bare Your Bookshelf":

"Just enter your name, address, and denomination in the form below, and then we’ll send you—free—all the mailing materials you need to send a Bible to a specific pastor, Christian worker, church member, or seeker overseas. We’ll send you the recipient's name and address, so you can pray for the recipient by name. Because the mailing materials bear CRI’s return address, you need not worry that you’ll be personally contacted by anyone overseas. But CRI will personally pass on to you the thank you letters generated by the packages they send. You will be matched to a recipient who is a member of a denomination most similar to yours, ensuring that the material you send will actually be used in the recipient’s church."

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