dec 12 food

Breakfast:  the usual of late, apple-cranberry salad.   + 1 oz brazil nuts and sunflower seeds (total).   I eat the brazil nuts after exercising and before I get on my bike to ride home.  By then it's been 14 hours since eating and it's cold out and I want some energy to get me home.  Then I eat the sunflower seeds when I get home and am fixing  the salad.   Fuhrman recommends eating sunflower seeds after exercising because they are a good source of high-quality protein.

Lunch:  last of the lentil soup over chopped lettuce and salad greens.  tangerine.

Dinner:   blueberry-banana salad.  Now this is as good as the apple-cranberry salad.  So I will have to eat this more.  I recall posting a few weeks ago that I didn't like this so much.  When I think of it as a salad, maybe the bananas are a weird flavor.  but when I think of it as banana-blueberry-nut compote over greens, then it tastes really good.  I also had 2 carrots, a tangerine and an orange.  I should have stopped here but these bananas I have are at the perfect ripeness and I couldn't resist having one more.  so add a banana to the list.  but it wasn't as good as it is with walnuts and blueberries.   

also 1 cup of pom juice with my vitamins (split between morning and eve).

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