"The Day" Propaganda

I went to the movies last night with some friends and, being late, we quickly picked a movie all three of us was mildly interested in seeing: The Day the Earth Stood Still (the remake). I was stunned, not having seen any reviews beforehand, how blatant the liberal propaganda about global warming was in it. I was furious. It was so irritating that had I found a manager on my way out I would have asked for my money back!

Here is a great review by Newsbusters that summarizes things well. Concluding his review, the author suggests a new remake: "In the remake envisioned by your humble correspondent, Klaatu, starring Yours Truly, would land in Hollywood and threaten to have Gort destroy all the studios unless the producers quit making lousy movie remakes with leftwing themes." I could not agree more. Why is it that even children's cartoons have to indoctrinate audiences with this [stuff]? I just finished watching Wall-e, which was amusing. However, the message could not be clearer: all the Earth needs to avoid being completely polluted and abandoned is a little TLC.

Whereas the original "Day" had the aliens visit us due to our potential destruction of each other through nuclear war, the remake changes the theme to suggest it is because of Global Warming.
This reminds me of what Dennis Prager says: The Right fights against Evil, while the Left fights against Global Warming! How sad that the Left thinks America/Capitalism/Industry/Humans are evil! How sad that they have to be so blatant about this message in their movies! Buyer Beware!

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