A Picture Doesn't Say it All

Many of you may have seen this video around Mother's Day:

I found it hilarious at many levels. But it actually reminded me of an experience at Disney World a couple of years ago. I was waiting for my sister to finish some shopping at the Epcot Center when I saw a father try to get a picture of his two sons. Sounds normal. But what actually attracted me to the photo op was the father yelling at the boys. "Now stand next to your brother and smile!" yelled the father to one of the boys, probably around age 9, who obviously wasn't into standing next to his brother, let alone having it frozen in time by a picture. After several attempts and "coaching statements" by the father to the boys, a picture was snapped and both boys grunted off in opposite directions. I thought it was hilarious, especially because I could imagine them showing their pictures to grandma, saying, "...and here's the boys having a great time at Epcot...."

It's amazing what a picture doesn't show. And to give one clear illustration, I had some friends email out their annual Christmas letter with family photo last year. However, just for the fun of it, the wife sent two versions. And that made the "official photo" and the whole event, much more enjoyable. See:

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