may 5

Today after a good workout at the gym and bike ride to and from, I had a smoothie for breakfast.  

Lunch was steamed kale with sweet potato sauce.  Oh, I added chopped ramps and leek to the kale, which was good.  This sauce is like pudding, yum.  I had carrots and celery while fixing.  fruit salad for dessert (strawberries, raspberries, bananas), plus a 6 oz container of blackberries.  next time I will just have the blackberries.  The fresh strawberries are usually not super good (picked not ripe for their shipment to Wisconsin?) and they are expensive.   The frozen berries in my smoothies are cheaper and usually more fresh (before freezing) so I think I'll cut back on these fresh berries.  

Dinner:  salad with lettuce, arugula, edamame (microwaved for 60 seconds to thaw), topped with mango-beet dressing.  This is soooo goood.  some carrots and celery while preparing.  I should have stopped here but I had an orange and 2 apples.  at least I should have stopped after the first apple.

I'm probably eating too much fruit.  At least I ate lots of greens today.  

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