Yesterday's food log was
Brekky: smoothie
Lunch: veggies cooked up in a pot: turnip, can tomatoes, herbs from garden (cilantro & chives), bag of spinach, zucchini. it was good and easy. I may be doing this a lot this week.
Dinner: got home late, had to rush off. I was going to have a salad but didn't have time to prepare or eat it. Ate some berries I had just bought (strawberries, blackberries), some raw carrots, thawed some lentil-carrot soup and ate that, headed off.
Here's my plan for today
Brekky: smoothie
Lunch: veggies cooked up in a pot: eggplant, can tomatoes, mushrooms, collard greens, herbs from the garden (tarragon, chives). the herbs came up from last year. yea! we haven't started planting yet but got a bunch of starter plants yesterday. We got lots of greens. It's going to be a great year I hope! [update: this turned out really good and I wrote it up as ratatouille.]
Dinner: salad (lettuce, arugula, mango, yellow bell pepper), rest of lentil-carrot soup. I'll eat this out so will prepare at lunchtime. [update, was hungry when I got home so had an apple]