busy days at work

I'm back.   Was busy with work.  now I'm worn out because the adrenaline has gone away.  It was interesting to do this big push without caffeine.   On Tuesday night I had to get a draft of my 15-page proposal to my administrator by Wed.  So I expected to stay up all night.  I got to bed at 4:45 am.  I was pretty tired without caffeine to prop me up.  I ate an orange and banana at 2 am and that perked me up.  Here's the funny thing though:  Then the adrenaline kicked in.  I woke up at 6:45 am and couldn't get back to sleep.  So I got to work, still had a bunch of other work to do on the proposal.   I worked all day--from 6:30 am until 10 pm.  ugh.  I took a short nap but couldn't sleep much, maybe 15 minutes.  then I  only slept 6 hours that night.   I had a break in the action Thursday morning (yesterday), waiting for input from team members, so went to my morning exercise class and got some needed groceries.   got the proposal in last night.  then I still only got 6 hours of sleep!  because of the adrenaline I guess.  So I went to my morning exercise class this morning.  It was hard but enjoyable.  I ate breakfast and then hit the wall.  I was so tired.  I went to run a long errand with housemate and I just wanted to collapse.  I took an hour nap when I got home.  I hope I can get a good night's sleep tonight. 

So how did I do eating-wise?  This is also the first time I didn't use food to get me through a deadline---sweets and chocolate.  oh, except for the banana-walnut ice cream!  that was good!  I had that wed. and thurs night.  I didn't cook much, just ate stuff from the fridge.  Did you know a red bell pepper tastes great all by itself, just eating it like an apple?   I don't recall much what I ate on Wed.  Yesterday I ate a bag of fresh cherries (really good), raw carrots, frozen peas from the bag (really good).   Ate lots of spinach from the bag--fresh and local, really good ate an entire 8 oz bag.  had spinach and oatmeal for brekky.  oranges and apples.  

Today was more normal:  I had spinach and oatmeal again for breakfast.  I like that because I really like spinach.  At lunch I used the pressure cooker to make eggplant, kale, (cooked that first for 2 minutes, then added), cauliflower, mushrooms, tomatoes (cooked for another 2 minutes), then added herbs from the garden--cilantro and chives.  It was good, and I totally overate (and by the way, it was a bit overcooked, still learning to use the pressure cooker).   Then I ate a bag of frozen peas for dinner.  I wasn't going to but I just got going on them.  I was going to have a salad.  oh well.  I wasn't that hungry because lunch was big and late.  and I ate two oranges.

Oh, I did find that in my tiredness and stress, I did want to pig out more on sweets like fruit.  When I'm tired I want to use food to perk me up.  Today I did that at lunch, and I overate and it made me more tired.  I didn't overeat on calories, just ate too much at one sitting.  

Well, anyway, I'm just happy I didn't go off and buy cookies and muffins and cupcakes.  I didn't have any desire to.   Now I just hope I can get a good night's sleep and enjoy high energy levels tomorrow.  so much to look forward to in getting back to my enjoyable activities.

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