may 17

The next few weeks are going to be really busy for me at work.  I think I'm just going to have time for work and exercise.  I don't want to miss exercise.  It gets me out in the sunshine on my bike, and away from sitting at my desk.  So blogging will probably be more sporadic.  Here's my eating plan:   smoothie for brekky.   veggies made in pressure cooker for lunch--various things like eggplant, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, herbs from the garden.  I have lots of cilantro right now so I'll be using that a lot.  I don't want to eat too much at lunch because I exercise 3-4 hours afterwards.  Dinner will be salad and beans.  I'll probably use the cilantro there too (maybe make black bean & corn salad, or black beans with cilantro and orange juice--nice combo).  Then chives are going strong to so I'll start using that too once I can use up some cilantro.  For snacks I'll have the usual carrots and celery, apples and oranges.   I still have a half cabbage left so might make cabbage salad again.  I'll get my healthy fats in with the sunflower seeds and flaxseeds in the smoothies at brekky, and then nuts in my sauces and dressings (sometimes lunch, sometimes dinner).

Today I had smoothie for brekky, greek salad at the potluck (see yesterday's post), grapes, carrots & celery, apple, banana.  Dinner was some brazil nuts, orange, salad with arugula, cucumber, orange bell pepper, blueberry vinegar; more carrots.  

I'm going to make the greek salad again on Tuesday for a little potluck.

Okay, here's hoping I get a lot of work done tomorrow...

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