Obama Announces He's an Undocumented Immigrant

The President of the US announced he's an undocumented immigrant in a controversial speech today.   I wish.

Okay - actually it was the student body president of Fresno State University.


Here's where I got a problem - what kind of morals does a university student have to think he's entitled to education and benefits in OUR country when he's a citizen of Mexico and not here obeying our laws never mind his teachers all told him how to do it?   I don't believe for a second he "found out" he was illegal when he went to apply recently for scholarships and such.  Yeah - uh huh.  Maybe the whole fam damily didn't know they were illegal.  They just thought they lived in an affluent part of Mexico. 

Obviously he's a liar - and doesn't care about it because he announced it - and thereby told everyone to go eff themselves if they got a problem with it because he has no respect for our laws - BUT - he's got a college degree or will anyways.....so what's it worth if the man's a liar?  How do we know he hasn't been cheating on all his tests as well?  How do we know he hasn't embezzled funds to pay for his education - that's essentially what happens - yet now people pity the liar and want to give him a home because they are just as ashamed of his brown skin as he is and thinks he can't compete with the world on its own terms without stealing and lying.  Why would you want to hire him for anything?  You can't trust him!  And you can't trust the US government that promotes these things while holding the rest of us hostage.

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