I thought underwear itsself would be suspicious - or even clothing - or Americans getting on an airplane.
You know - if you would like to think "Ah, none of this stuff could happen in American where our government turns against us" - think again. It's already happened in Europe and in other countries less-civilized than Germany, and Stanley Milgram already proved it could happen here. People simply following orders....in the Milgram Experiment.
One of the lessons my parents drove home to me again and again before I enlisted was to remember the concept of my moral values and to learn the difference between a lawful and unlawful order and to never ever under any circumstances surrender my values. The movie "A Few Good Men" was about this very concept.
I can tell you, having never compromised my values and having faced trial and imprisonment for following orders and training and refusing to back down - standing by what you know to be right is better than compromising your values.
So now we live in a time where moral discretion is required. Some will say "We are just following orders" others will say "It's in the name of safety" and others still "values are relative - who are you to say?"
To which I say "Who am I to remain silent? If I won't speak up - who will?"
I know this country better than the immigrants who've come over here. A 15th generation American on one side and a second generation on the other and have served my country in harms way and been around the world - what DONT I know that makes me unqualified to speak out? I assure you I know my country better than what it's portrayed in the news. I also have been personally responsible for the very security TSA carries out including searching luggage and checking aircraft for bombs and performing anti-hijacking routines and have responded to a hostage situation or two.....how am I unqualified?
Speaking out doesn't mean we want the overthrow of our country - and don't confuse us conservatives with the liberals with whom that's exactly what they want as they replace the will of the people with the whims of a government under the guise of solving everything while we will just have to cope with the things that aren't solved. We only want to make sure that the principles that made this country free remain in place because that's the only way we will remain free.
Liberals believe in a breathing living constitution. Yes it is - but you can only change it so far before the freedoms and frameworks that made us free are lost and we fall - as all nations do - progressively into slavery - all under the guise of hope and change.
And let me tell you this - I can't name a time in history where freedoms were taken and taken and then surrendered from the government back to the people without a revolution of some sort. So - where's all this headed?
I can tell my fellow Americans this - if you don't like waiting in line at the airport - learn to fly yourself. I'm serious. I did . You can buy your own aircraft if you wish - much cheaper than you think - I used to be into aircraft sales. Or simply teleconference. Or drive. Write your congressmen. But - keep speaking out. But I do wonder where the feminists are on this one - including NOW.
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