HOW to not talk to the police

As I said when I was a cop to my chief of police "CHIEF! If they aren't my rights don't give them to me!"

Me?  I do not advocate public peaceful protests or being arrested or any of that stupid crap - it doesn't serve any useful purpose and I believe in obeying the law - but there comes a time when you do have to protect yourself and it's smart to know what you're doing - to know your options and know what you're getting into.  And there are government types who seem to regularly snoop around my blog it seem - but they always seem to be interested in my GAY NAVY blog entry.  The government isn't your friend and the founding fathers knew it - which is why we have a constitution and bill of rights limiting its power.  It's a necessary evil - but if we're righteous - guided by right principles - we needn't fear our government because we'll put good men and women in there who will do what's right by us and we can then live truly free in our constitutional federalist democratic republic.

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