Rwandan Genocide 15 Years Later

When the "global community" lacks (or more specifically, shuns) the will to use force (as further supported by the Europeans promising to send 5000 NON-COMBATANT troops to help the US in Afghanistan), genocide is the best you can do. It always has been, and always will be. That is why I feel the Left's world view on force (that includes military interventions, personal gun ownership, hostage negotiations, and preferring "diplomacy" over persuasion) is so naive. Rebels and guerrilla armies count on the "global community" doing nothing (or should I say, attempting to establish dialog with them). It is with this confidence that they can kill with impunity, up to 800,000 in about 100 days.

General Dallaire has it correct (from the 10 year anniversary):
"I still believe that if an organisation decided to wipe out the 320 mountain gorillas there would be still more of a reaction by the international community to curtail or to stop that than there would be still today in attempting to protect thousands of human beings being slaughtered in the same country."

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