apr 13 - 15

yesterday and today, brekky was smoothie.  today I had some celery and carrots with that.

lunch was leftover eggplant/tofu/spinach/mushroom/tomato dish.  really good.  dessert today was fruit salad (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, mango, pear---yummy!).   yesterday I probably had something for dessert, fruit or something

yesterday dinner was big easy salad.  tonight will be fruit salad and cabbage salad.

last night I got hungry a few hours after the salad so had a pear, 0.5 oz walnuts, 2 prunes.  That worked out well.  The salad though filling at first, doesn't have enough calories, and this gave me energy for my exercise class this morning.

Tomorrow I think I'll have oatmeal for brekky, smoothie and cabbage salad for lunch, big easy salad and baked beet for dinner.  Fruit, carrots and celery, and nuts in the appropriate amounts will round it out.  

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