apr 24-25

I'm at a weekend conference and eating fabulous food--because I brought it, ha.  

Yesterday's brekky was the rest of the spinach-mango smoothie that I made on thursday (froze half of it).    

Then I made a big batch of lentil soup and a big batch of cabbage salad for this weekend.  I had some lentil soup for lunch.  

Then I made salad for dinner with yesterday's apple-sweet potato dressing.  It also had peas, bell pepper, and mango.  yum! 

I called ahead to the hotel and requested a fridge and microwave in the room.  They were very accomodating and put their one set in my room immediately (I love midwest hospitality--this is Milwaukee, WI).    I packed my cabbage salad and lentil soup into 4 separate (large) bowls, and my salad into a 5th, and packed them into my electric cooler along with some fruit.  Last night at dinner I told the waitress I can't eat their food but I'll leave a tip and can I have a plate?  and she said, that's easy, so she was happy.  I ate my salad, and it was great!  

This morning I had cabbage salad and banana for breakfast.  Lunch was lentil soup and apple.  Dinner was cabbage salad and orange and kiwi.  They didn't order enough plates at the banquet so it was a great excuse for me to offer my plate to someone else and pull out my own food.   Brekky tomorrow will be lentil soup.  okay maybe sounds a little repetitive but it's really easy and good.  Just grab the bowl, microwave, and go.  I can still socialize with everyone and they don't seem to care what I'm doing.  My bowls are too big though, in that my portion sizes are too big and I'm getting too full.  so next time I'll bring smaller bowls.

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