apr 20

I was out for both breakfast and lunch.  I brought a smoothie for breakfast.  For lunch I had leftover beans and rice, and apple/cabbage dish.  I had that in a restaurant.  You don't have to be as extreme as me.  I just don't want to eat their food anymore.  Lunch-mate had a beef enchilada smothered in a sour cream sauce and a beef taco and rice and beans, all with cheese.   It doesn't appeal to me--so it's not that I'm disciplined or have strong willpower.  Over time, I've just changed my desires and habits.   I told the waitress I have food allergies and I'll leave a tip.  I know it's a copout but it's a quick way to convey the message to a busy person.  Maybe instead I should say,  "I can't eat restaurant food but I'll leave a tip."  

Dinner was a salad with beet dressing.  I'm finally tiring of the big easy salad with olives and ready to play with dressings again.  This salad had lettuce, arugula, half a red bell pepper, 1/3 cup peas and 1/3 cup corn.  I'm not sure it needed the corn and peas.  I tend to pick a favorite salad and stick with it for a while so I may go on a beet dressing rampage for a while.  It is really really good.  I wasn't hungry for dessert but was making smoothies for the next few days (freeze for later), so ate 1/2 banana, and a ripe pear that was calling to me.  It was good.  Oh, I snacked on a kiwi and a carrot and celery stalk while preparing.

Total calories:  1515.  Protein 40 g (9%), carbs 306 g (74%), fat 29 g (17%).

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