Feb. 2 food

Brekky:  wasn't hungry before exercise class.  ate a banana and 1 oz walnuts late in the morning.

Lunch:  lightly steamed vegetables and eggplant-chickpea hummus dip from the Fuhrman website (basically chickpea hummus but add baked eggplant to it).  For dessert I had more of the pie I made yesterday.  I made some cashew cream to go on top (cashews, soy milk or water, dates, blended up thick).   It was good but not great.  I think I'll take Howard's advice and just have trailmix for dessert, or fruit.  

Dinner:  not very hungry (dang pie), so just had some of the steamed veggies from lunch, an apple and almond butter, celery and almond butter (oops), a carrot, some handfuls of arugula, and a small orange.   Hardly any greens today--got squeezed out by the pie last night and today.

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