sept. 9 food

I'm still visiting my friend Gail today.

For brekky we had her favorite breakfast and I can see why: it's blueberries and mango. It was so good we had a second helping. so we each had a box of blueberries and and entire mango. yum! and I think we ate some nuts too. and a banana. Then we went on a very strenuous bike ride so I'm glad we had a big brekky. I described the ride on my biking blog. I never could have done this ride if I hadn't changed my diet a few years ago. This is the most stress I've had aerobically in a few years because of the altitude and constant steep climb, but since my arteries are all cleared up, I was able to get enough oxygen for the entire climb.

Lunch was late and we were starved. We made a salad with lots of nuts and apples and raisins and orange-sesame dressing. It was fantastic.

Dinner was Quick Bean and Vegetable Chili, from the Fuhrman recipe site. Dessert was also from the Fuhrman member site but it's not in the recipe site. It was called "Super Fruit Tart" and Gail found it on the "Custom Daily Menu" link in the "High Activity and Muscle Building Plan." It was fantastic. It had this ground nut/oat/date crust, a blended dried apricot (boiled) compote, and fresh berries and coconut flakes. I'm going to experiment with this recipe some more, trying dried mango instead of apricot. I love it. Here was the pie before we cut into it. The dish is about 9 inches in diameter so a reasonably big pie.

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