sept. 17

Today I had a smoothie again for brekky. I'm enjoying these right now. Today's was blueberry and mango, and fresh lettuce from the garden. Yum.

I knew we were having lunch at Chipotle's so after brekky I cooked up some brussels sprouts and leek from the fridge (in the pressure cooker for 3 minutes)---the only veggies in my fridge. So what to do with this...well, how about adding some chopped walnuts (small handful). What else? well, I had another half of a musk melon from last night. It wasn't the sweetest melon in the world so I have no great desire to relish it by eating it alone. Let's cut up and add that; and some riesling raisin vinegar. And a small apple for dessert. Well, I wasn't expecting much, but when I ate it at lunch, it was really good! The nuts added a great crunch and flavor, and the musk melon added nice texture and flavor too. I thought it was way better than what everyone else was eating. yes, I am weird.

Dinner: Fortunately I've got some veggie pot in the freezer that I took out last night. I added frozen sweet corn to it and warmed it up. That was really good too. There was some flavor that mixed nicely with the corn and made it taste like clam chowder. I'm not sure what it was, the blended hemp and almonds and relatively small amount of tomatoes? or the eggplant?

I had stopped at the grocery store for a few things and got some watermelon, so had some of that for dessert. It was great. I love watermelon and the season is probably coming to an end soon, so I relished that. Tomorrow I'll have the rest.

It was a delicious day of eating, considering I didn't work hard at it. Freezing food definitely comes in handy later.

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