sept. 11 food

Still on travel in a hotel, but I had food in the fridge at the office from yesterday's grocery shopping so I was set with food:

Brekky: banana and nuts (cashews, walnuts), some fruit at the continental breakfast at the office: grapes, pineapple, cantaloup, melon. a few carrots.

Lunch: huge salad made from lettuce greens, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, chickpeas, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, and orange vinegar. I was full after this!

snack: ooops, Gail picked me up for our final bike ride and brought some of the dessert from a few days ago. I wasn't hungry but it was too good to resist.

After the bike ride: some carrots, half a banana, some brazil nuts. then dinner. We cooked a couple of Fuhrman recipes: Sweet and Sour Fancy Cabbage Salad. This was easy and really good. And Dr. Fuhrman's Acorn Squash Supreme. We used a fresh pineapple instead of canned--blended some to make the "juice", and cooked the squash in the pressure cooker to speed it up. I overcooked it. It was still good, just really mushy.

Then after all that, we finished off the Super Fruit Tart from a few days ago.

So as usual, I overate! Good thing I've been so active this week (ran 3 miles this morning, mountain biked in the evening), but still, this is too much food!

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