travel lesson
One thing I learned today is that if you are at a mediocre grocery store, you're probably better off buying conventional produce than organic. I thought I was at a decent grocery store this morning, but the organic produce was awful. I wasted my money and should have just gotten the conventional. I assume they sell more conventional and so it's likely more fresh. The organic apple, orange, and strawberries I got were not good, and I could tell in the store they looked old and sad. Even the peaches, which were supposedly local, and conventional, were awful. The salad was also too old. This evening I found a Trader Joe's, which turned out to be right on the way home, and got some new produce. I'll know tomorrow if it's decent.
Blog Archive
- frozen sweet corn
- aug. 31
- The Government Can
- Hoover Created the Depression
- aug 30
- yesterday's splurge
- weekend cooking
- aug. 29
- aug. 28
- good beans
- aug. 26 & 27
- 10 Theses on the Kingdom of God and Social Action
- William Wilberforce 250 years
- aug. 25 food
- collard veggie juice
- super easy lentil soup
- aug. 24
- three topics: allergies, temptations, juicing
- Dr. Stephan
- aug. 23
- The Power of the Cross
- aug. 22
- aug 21
- travel lesson
- The History of the Plantation Party
- GreenPeace tells the Truth about Lying
- aug 20 food
- FiveFingers in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness
- my new favorite smoothie
- aug. 19
- aug. 17 & 18
- aug 16
- aug 15 food
- Ischemic Heart Attacks: Disease of Civilization
- blender incident
- lazy salad
- aug 14
- aug 13
- aug 12
- Cleave and Yudkin on Fats
- Misinformation About Health Care
- Bait and Switch Obama Style
- aug 11
- Free
- aug. 10
- another collard green smoothie
- Huge pot o' veggies
- last few days
- The Diet-Heart Hypothesis: Oxidized LDL, Part II
- aug. 6
- funny post
- aug. 5
- The Value of Money
- aug. 4
- on being a nutritarian
- The Diet-Heart Hypothesis: Oxidized LDL, Part I
- changing the world
- aug. 3
- Obama Pushing Single Payer Health Care
- aug 2