aug 13

I'm exhausted after a very long day of editing a complicated document. ugh. okay,

brekky: I wasn't hungry at first, then had 2 Tbsp sunflower seeds, after a hard but fun workout.

Then for lunch I was hungry so that was good. I definitely need to eat small breakfasts in order to be hungry for lunch. I had 3 ears of corn + avocado butter, a couple of raw carrots, and some salad greens with fresh sliced tomato from the garden. YUM.

For dinner, I had a big bowl of the pot'o veggies. Then my lazy salad: salad greens, sliced tomato and some blood orange vinegar. It was really good! I don't feel like making salads these days, but you really don't have to work at it when you have fresh garden tomatoes. I also had a fresh peach and some raw carrots. Summer produce is so fabulous.

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