aug. 5

brekky: on the road so ate a large collard green smoothie. I'm tweaking this recipe. I think I have a good one now. But I must be weird to like this!

Lunch: back home so corn on the cob again (with avocado butter). I had 3 ears today. I'm not tired of it yet. I also had leftover lentil stuff from yesterday. I'm glad that's all gone now since I slightly burned it. I also had a few carrots and frozen peas while making housemate's potato,carrots,pea dish.

Dinner: I was grocery shopping so ate at the co-op: 1/2 small yellow watermelon (the best!), some cherries, grapes, blackberries, and brazil nuts. I meant to get just enough for one meal so I wouldn't overeat on these treats which are just the sort of things I tend to overeat. But I guess I got too much, and miracle of miracles, I stopped eating when I was full and plan to have the rest for brekky tomorrow. When I got home I did eat some salad greens too and a small carrot. and maybe 3 grapes and then I thought, you know you won't stop wanting those if you keep eating, you will always want more, so you may as well stop now since you are full. so I did. wow. I'm behaved rationally. So maybe I am learning from experience and improving. knock on wood. anyway, it was a great meal for me, as these are things I consider treats.

One thing I was thinking today is that it really does feel good and powerful to take control of your health. There's so much in the world we feel we have no control over. I like having control over this aspect of my life. It is very empowering. I'm not paying much attention to the health care debate because I don't have a lot of faith that our politicians do will do something sensible. But at least I can make sure I will be healthy and avoid doctors as much as possible.

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