aug 14

late brekky: 2 Tbsp sunflower seeds, 1 pint delicious blueberries

lunch: 4 (!) ears of corn and avocado butter. I was hungry at the corn stand so got irrational with my purchase. my lazy salad (decided to turn it into a recipe). some carrots and celery.

dinner: 1 small musk melon. This was the best melon I've ever eaten! so sweet. I will get another soon! This was followed by my pot o' veggies. And then the lazy salad. I tend to prefer eating dessert first and salad last. Sweets make me want to eat more so I'd rather not have them last. salad is a good finisher for me. I'm a strange one. I'm sure I had some carrots too since I always have them with a meal.

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