aug. 22

still at the golf tournament.

brekky at the hotel:  1/2 box strawberries, 1/2 box blackberries, 1/2 box blueberries.  1/2 small watermelon.  some salad greens.  the produce was pretty good but not nearly as good as my co-op.  I am so lucky to have a great co-op located only a nice 4 mile bike ride from my home.  I look forward to returning home and shopping there!

lunch:  salad greens + fresh garden tomato + green bell pepper (made at hotel, put in cooler with everything else, left in car, visited car to eat lunch and dinner, and to rest).  veggie pot.

snack (shouldn't have snacked!):  banana

dinner:  veggie pot, orange.

tomorrow' meals will be a repeat.   then I'll  be home late.


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