Obama is a Monkey?

Here's a post showing a Japanese cell-phone company ad that hints at mimicking Obama, but showing a monkey at the podium. CNN interviewed a group of outraged AA residents of Japan who feel that this should have been an obvious "faux pas".

A professor from Temple University explains that American politics are a part of a global dialogue and that the Japanese company failed to understand this.

In spite of this, the CEO of the company still didn't see anything wrong with the ad, nor did any Japanese people interviewed for the story even connect it with Obama.

It's so disappointing when the rest of the world doesn't revolve around us! Can't they see that our political race is important to them. Don't they know better not to make nuanced American racial slurs in their Japanese commercials? How is it possible that NO one in Japan was offended or outraged by this CLEAR insult to Obama and the AA community?

Like Prager says, you have to be taught to be a victim. Japan just didn't get that lesson, I guess.

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