Mashed potatoes

There are many variations of mashed potatoes.  It can be as simple as potatoes and soy milk or potatoes and water or potatoes and avocado.  Here's what I did today.

Enough potatoes for whoever is joining you
leek or part of an onion (optional; leeks are best)
1/2 avocado per 2 people   or some ground cashews or almonds (coffee grinder is easy, say 1/4 cup).
fresh herbs (if you have them).  I used chives, parsley and dill from the garden
soy milk (or almond milk or rice milk or water)

Peel the potatoes if you want (new fresh potatoes are good with skins on them).  Cut up the potatoes and leek/onion and steam them, until tender when poked with a fork.   You can throw in some of the fresh or dried herbs while steaming.   Put the avocado (without the skin and pit) and herbs into a bowl.  Microwave the soy milk for 30 seconds to warm it up.  Add the potatoes and some milk.  Blend, mash, or mix, however you usually do it.  add more milk to desired consistency.  These were the best potatoes ever.  Maybe it was the combination of herbs and avocado and milk and potatoes and skins, I don't know. Yum.

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