July 28 food

Today was the start of a long week of all-day meetings.   I didn't want to miss exercise so I went to the 6:30 am class today!  wow, I had to pack all my food, clothes and computer on my bike.  It was like going on an expedition.  I only forgot one thing which was my towel.  Oh well, tomorrow I should be set.  I got everything ready last night, which is good because I overslept, but managed to make it to my class on time.  so here is the food I ate.

Snack:  apple, then strawberries, blueberries at the meeting

late breakfast: smoothie

Lunch:  green smoothie, carrot, beer (we went to the terrace and there was great sentiment for beer).

snack at meeting:  grapes, strawberries, blueberries

snack before dinner (I was hungry!):  the best nectarine I've ever had.  two days of ripening made it perfect.  

Dinner:  Curried mustard greens.  also fabulous. 

I snack too much.   Well, at least I didn't eat oat shit bars all day. 

Now I have to go fix tomorrow's food and go to bed!  What a day.  Today I left home at 6 am and returned at 7:30 pm.  Tomorrow will be worse as I have a dinner party.

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