July 25 food

Breakfast:  Raspberry smoothie

Lunch:  mashed potatoes, fresh sweet corn (shucked and boiled, 6 minutes), collard greens and carrots.   The collard greens came from the garden, our first batch!  We are sharing them with some bugs so I picked the ones with the most holes in them.  Fortunately there was plenty left for us, and plenty more still in the garden.  The carrots were sweeter than usual (I ate a raw one while cooking)--maybe were just fresher.  I didn't have garlic, so cooked up the collard greens in water with an onion, some chopped ginger, juice of 1/2 lemon, a spoonful of date sugar, then added the carrots after about 10 minutes.  kept cooking for another 20 minutes.  Dessert was a piece of frozen chocolate bean bar.

My Dinner:  I was bad and ate UR's extra blueberry banana chocolate shake since she is going away for the weekend.  I guess that counted as dessert even though I had it before dinner.    Dinner was whatever was left in the fridge before I go grocery shopping tomorrow:  First, a salad made from a cucumber and two pluots (combination of plum and apricot). Then zuchini and beets and beet greens cooked up together.  These were all locally grown and the beets were so fresh I didn't even have to peel them.  It was all good and satisfying.  I snacked on some yummy cherries.

UR's Dinner:  small salad (lettuce, delicious crimini mushrooms, delicious fresh red bell pepper) with blueberry-date-banana dressing (yum!)  and a few evil croutons (not recommended by me but I give in to my client's requests sometimes).  Blueberry chocolate banana milkshake (small serving).  2 small Banana-oat chocolate chip bars (Fuhrman's Yummy Banana-Oar Bars, Eat for Health, book 2, p. 274) to which I added some chocolate chips).

I added House-mate's dinner to the log since she is participating in the program for now.  I will refer to her for now as UR.  Today was fun cooking for me.  Lunch was especially good for some reason.  Maybe we were just hungry.  I made UR's salad dressing on the way to making her shake.  I started with the banana and dates and blueberries and a little soy milk blended up thick, then poured off a little of that for her salad dressing.  Then I added some more soy milk and a Tbsp of cocoa powder to make her 2 shakes.  I seem to be over my indulgence urges, except for eating UR's second shake, and only had one chocolate bean bar which is healthy in that dose.    So it was a healthy day even though it felt decadent.   Oh, I have been drinking decaff coffee because I'm jetlagged (that's my excuse).  I have enough beans for one more cup and then I suppose I shouldn't buy anymore.  Decaff coffee with soy milk is not a habit I want to get into again.  I'd just as soon learn not to eat between meals and only drink when thirsty (when you don't eat salt you don't need to drink so much water and the vegetables and fruit have a lot).  

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